19. “The school must be “a genuine form of active community life, instead of a place set apart in which to learn lessons”.” —John Dewey 14 0 Download 14 Wallpapers 20. “Inference is always an invasion of the unknown, a leap from the known.” ...
42. “We must be willing to let go of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”–Joseph Campbell 43. “Over the years I’ve come to realize that mistakes are just lessons, life lessons almost like school. Once you’ve learned a lesson in class, ...
Read the life lessons in my bestselling book Think Happy! Boost your confidence, attitude, and mood with this powerful and thought provoking collection of short essays and happiness strategies. Whether you’re feeling stressed, need motivation, dealing with haters, or struggling with a challenge or...
As one of America’s most influential Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin clearly tapped into his Everyday Power, and there are lots of great lessons to be learned from his colorful life and words of wisdom. Below are some powerful Benjamin Franklin quotes to inspire you. Enjoy! Check out our...
Life teaches lessons every day, but it's up to you to recognize them. Get inspired to find wisdom in difficult moments with these life lesson quotes.
a story with a moral in mind.“Kids can see a moral coming a mile off,” he is quoted as saying. But, he admitted, there’s an inherent moral in any story. While he may not have set out to moralize, there are countless bits of truth and life lessons to be learned in his books...
The Two Great Lessons of Life: Choose Love & Trust God.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie Smile at the riddles of life,knowing that life's only true lessonsare writ small in the margin.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie I Dance with a Light Heart.I play with life, laugh with life,dance lightly with life...
You have to hurt in order to know. Fall in order to grow. Lose in order to gain. Because most of life's lessons are learned through pain —Boonaa Mohammed 105 I've never heard anyone say the really deep lessons of life have come in times of ease and comfort. But, I have heard ma...
while others choose to be a victim, or become seekers of sympathy, or even worse bitter. Life is about change good or bad but in the end the choice is always our own. I want to believe that most people choose to become stronger, better and learn lessons no matter how hard. ~ Terry...
The real lessons from the book of lifeare inscribed in a corner of the margin.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie Smell the smells, feel the fear,and smile at the incoherent waylife runs us in circleswhile inscribing the real lessonsin a corner of the margin.- Jonathan Lockwood Huie ...