Hunger Games: A Careerist Tale: Directed by Jonathan Nam. With Jonathan Nam, Gavin Estrada, Ethan Hetrick, Alex Fuhrmister. A boy from one of the richest districts of Panem. He volunteers for the Hunger Games to escape his abusive father. Will he survive
The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1: Directed by Francis Lawrence. With Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, Liam Hemsworth, Woody Harrelson. Katniss Everdeen is in District 13 after she shatters the games forever. Under the leadership of President Coin
Quotes from Chapter 15 of The Hunger Games. Find quotes for essays about The Hunger Games on Shmoop.
More for The Hunger Games Mistakes Other mistake:The video stream displayed in the night sky showing which tributes have died after the first day does not add up correctly. They display in district order. We see the start, the girl from three (so the boy is still alive), and the boy ...
RELATED:15 Most Memorable Quotes From The Hunger Games Movies He sticks by Katniss's side throughout almost the entire series, even if he doesn't entirely agree with her. They understand each other in a way that nobody else can, and at their cores, they share the same values. It takes...
<The Hunger Games> - Quotes 这篇影评可能有剧透 A. “Remember, we're madly in love, so it's all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it.”B. “You don’t forget the face of the person who was your last hope.”C. “Happy Hunger Games! And may the odds be ever in your ...
Gale lectures Katnisson the realities of war, and how killing innocent people is all a part of how things go. Gale states that Katniss of all people should know that killing isn't always personal--assuming what she has learned from her experiences in the Hunger Games, which she directly co...
Are you a fan of The Hunger Games? These Hunger Games quotes will have you flashback to reading the books or watching the movies.
Obsidian Fire Pit (normal)- "Perfect light for reading a book." Obsidian Fire Pit (low)- "The fire could use some more fuel." Obsidian Fire Pit (embers)- "The fire has almost self-extinguished." Obsidian Fire Pit (out)- "I can re-light it." Tar Lamp- "Tar ought to combust quit...
From a stunning first sentence to a perfect string of dialogue, there are certain parts of books that feel particularly memorable. And whether they make us laugh, cry, or simply reflect, these book quotes have a habit of sticking with us long after we turn the final page. Read on for so...