the US has an innate capability to learn from its mistakes when he remarked that the US always did the right thing when all the alternatives have been exhausted.”"#> [5] "“Outright collapse is not an outlandish scenario for petrostates like Ecuador or Venezuela, where the virus could ...
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"These vibrations are not from the human soul... After all, you are a child of the devil!"「この波動、人の魂にあらず・・・・。やはりおぬしは魔の申し子か!」"What ambition builds crumbles with conceit. If you wish to build a nation, be mindful of this."「野心が築くものは...
The Rule of 72 is useful in determining how fast money will grow. Take the annual return from any investment, expressed as a percentage, and divide it into 72. The result is the number of years it will take to double your money. — Peter Lynch 22 If you want to make a mythical cr...
Ogilvy was a firm believer in providing the customer with the facts from the get-go. Of course, you’ve no doubt heard that benefits, should come before features, and Ogilvy agreed: “The key to success is to promise the consumer a benefit — like better flavour, whiter wash, more miles...
36.“I can’t change myself. I’m Mike Tyson. I’m a regular kid from the ghetto striving to do something positive with myself. I happen to fight well.”– Mike Tyson 37.“In order to succeed greatly, you have to be prepared to fail greatly. If you can’t do both of them, ...
Some people claim that expectations are the reason for unhappiness. However, I can assure you from personal experience that you’ll suffer greatly by setting subpar targets. —Grant Cardone 0 There are certain things in life that have limits, but you don't unless you impose limits on yourself...
13.“I don’t think I need too much help. I think my head’s on pretty straight, and I’m pretty realistic about things. I’m very focused, so that certainly prevents me from going all over the place.”– Scarlett Johansson 14.“It is important to remind young people that peace is...
23.“Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.” 24.“The older you get, the stronger the wind gets – and it’s always in your face.” 25.“Why do two colors, put one next to the other, sing? Can one really explain this? No.” ...