Quotes By Christian Authors Quotes sorted by Christians who believe and have faith; from Authors, Pastors, Scholars, and others who share their beliefs through their words and their thoughts. Christian Quotes If you’re a Christian you can’t have an “I’m better than” attitude toward anyon...
Quotes Authors Topics Community Translations Quotes Authors Christian Serratos Christian Serratos Quotes Christian Marie Serratos is an American actress who plays Rosita Espinosa in AMC's The Walking Dead TV series, based on the comic book of the same name. She is also known for playing Suzie Crabg...
Wise and insightful quotes by prominent Christian mystics, such as Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, St Francis, St Teresa of Avila, Jakob Böhme and more!
They also make you anxious to read the authors and look for more. 12 votes 14 No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism. 34 votes 15 The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is. 33 votes 16 ...
As we close out Black History Month, I want to share five quotes from African American authors that are sure to give you the push you need to write something fantastic. Today I want to share a few favorite writing quotes from African American writers who have inspired me and countless other...
Authors Quotes - Letter : A to ZLetter : A to Z - Quotes by Author Browse authors - Alphabetic author List : A to ZClick an author to view the Quotes.A Course In Miracles | Hank Aaron | Nicola Abbagnano | Edward Abbey | John Abbott | Lyman Abbott | Jim Abbott | Kareem Abdul-...
The authors of these historic slavery quotes are displayed next to each quote, so if you see one you like be sure to check out other inspirational slavery quotes from that same writer. This list answers the questions, "What are the best quotes about slavery?" and "What are inspirational ...
The present fashion requires that even the smallest and most indifferent inquiry must be dressed in phylogenetic costume, and whilst in former centuries authors professed to read in every natural detail some intention of the creator mundi, modern scientists have the aspiration to pick out from every...
— Christian Dior 150 To be alive is to totally and openly participate in the simplicity and elegance of here and now. — Don Altman 51 Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance. — Coco Chanel 49 A designer can mull over complicated designs for months. Then suddenly the simple, ...
- Christian Bovee Add to Favorite List When I look at the future, it's so bright, it burns my eyes. - Oprah Winfrey Add to Favorite List Earth's crammed with Heaven, And every common bush afire with God. - E. B. Browning Add to Favorite List To him who in the love of Nature ...