63. “A fact of life we all die. But the positive impact you have on others will be a living legacy.”–Catherine Pulsifer 64. “I want to be thoroughly used up when I die for the harder I work the more I live. I rejoice in life for its own sake.”–George Bernard Shaw 65. ...
77. “When I get lonely these days, I think: So Be lonely, Liz. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person’s body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfu...
“The tragedy of life is in what dies inside a man while he lives – the death of genuine feeling, the death of inspired response, the awareness that makes it possible to feel the pain or the glory of other men in yourself.”– Norman Cousins “First, accept sadness. Realize that witho...
“If you don’t own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life.”– Roger A. Caras “All his life he tried to be a good person. Many times, however, he failed. For after all, he was only human. He ...
47. “Well, it’ll always be disco/electro-pop. That’s what I first wanted to do when I started out as a musician in 1977.”— Pete Burns 48. “When I was working with David Cassidy at the Rio, I made an album of updated versions of some 1970s disco tunes. I had a blast....
Eye of newt, and toe of frog, Wool of bat, and tongue of dog, Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting, Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing, For a charm of powerful trouble, Like a hell-broth boil and bubble. — William Shakespeare 31 Why does the lizard stick his tongue out? The ...
62. “When you've suffered a great deal in life, each additional pain is both unbearable and trifling.”― Yann Martel,Life of Pi 63. “The sky cries for those filled with sadness.”― Sonya Watson,The Tide Breaker Free Stocks
“Fake people are only nice when it’s convenient for them or they usually have a hidden agenda. Genuinely nice people go out of their way to help others and they have an honest heart. Stick with the ones who never let you down and keep their promises. You can’t fake that.”—Unkno...
Every dog is a tiger in his own street. —Indian Proverbs 62 It's unnatural for people to run around the city streets unless they are thieves or victims. It makes people nervous to see someone running. I know that when I see someone running on my street, my instincts tell me to let...
“When traveling with someone, take large doses of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.”– Helen Hayes “As soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was about to happen.”– A. A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh “Actually, the best gift you could have given her was a lifetime ...