33. “Preservation of one’s own culture does not require contempt ordisrespectfor other cultures.”– Cesar Chavez 34. “Culture’s worth huge, huge risks. Without culture, we’re all totalitarian beasts.”– Norman Mailer 35. “Diversity is about all of us, and about us having to figure...
53. “More women speaking up and seizing the helm of power can create its own momentum. It can change the culture that helps perpetuate those external forces.”― Nancy Birdsall 54. “For every time we regret keeping still, there are about ten times we regret speaking up.”― James Alexan...
A lot of thinking about software development is focused on the group, the team, the company. This is often done to the point where the individual is completely submerged in corporate "culture" with no outlet for unique talents and skills. Corporate practices can be directly hostile to ...
However muted its present appearance may be, sexual dominion obtains nevertheless as perhaps the most pervasive ideology of our culture and provides its most fundamental concept of power — Kate Millett 29 Short Male Dominance Quotes Man is the head of the family, woman the neck that turns the...
In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles, and positions. —Margaret J. Wheatley 81 Be strong, but not rude; Be kind, but not weak; Be bold, but ...
Also featured in: Quotes About Humanity, Appreciation Quotes, Culture Quotes, Art Quotes 23. “We are the music makers, and we are the dreamers of dreams.” — Roald Dahl 24. “Music is a total constant. That’s why we have such a strong visceral connection to it, you know? Because...
a storyline that transforms based on her femininity. As per Steinem, the fictional feminist has class consciousness and a skill set as impressive as Batman’s. Her liking for female superheroes exhibits her continuous search for good examples of strong, independent women, even in pop culture. ...
14. “The measure of a man is what he does with power.” —Plato 295 0 Download 14 Wallpapers 15. “The first and best victory is to conquer self.” —Plato 295 0 Download 22 Wallpapers 16. “Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be un...