I am not scared, I will not be silenced, and I will continue to take to the streets and criticise any wrong doing that I see. — Asmaa Mahfouz 46 What scared me in that debate is that it's not about the ownership rules at all. The vast majority of people don't even know what ...
18. “People who don’t take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year. People who do take risks generally make about two big mistakes a year.”― Peter F. Drucker 19. “The first step toward success is taken when you refuse to be a captive of the environment in which you ...
Quotes About Being Strong To Give You Courage 161. “Trainyour mind to be strong, to resist temptations. Learn to talk to one another and to respect each other.”— Emily Benedek 162. “Being strong is about standing up against resistance, refusing to give in on matters of principle, and...
“The bigger your heart, the more you love, the more you control your life. The bigger your ego, the more you’re scared, the more others control your life.”– Maxime Lagacé “Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it.”―...
“All I insist on, and nothing else, is that you should show the whole world that you are not afraid. Be silent, if you choose; but when it is necessary, speak – and speak in such a way that people will remember it.”— Anonymous “Social Anxiety is: Being scared to make a call...
If your dreams do not scare you, they are not big enough. I feel completely safe in my house but all my friends are scared for me. And of course I can tell my parents panic a little. The best thing about living alone is being able to have my friends come over whenever. — Vanessa...
You’re not scared of the dark. You’re scared of what’s in it. You’re not afraid of heights. You’re afraid of falling. You’re not afraid of the people around you. You’re just afraid of rejection. You’re not afraid to love. You’re just afraid of not being loved back. ...
239. “It’s not about perfect. It’s about effort.”– Jillian Michaels 240. “When it gets difficult is often right before you succeed.”– Jeffrey Walker 241. ‘Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.’– Oscar Wilde 242. “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is...
There can be no courage unless you're scared. - Eddie Rickenbacker Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. - Eleanor Roosevelt As for accomplishments, I just did what I had to do as things came along. - Eleanor Roosevelt ...
A man who says he has never been scared is either lying or else he's never been any place or done anything. - Louis L'Amour Add to Favorite List All men are afraid in battle. The coward is the one who lets his fear overcome his sense of duty. Duty is the essence of manhood. -...