Ned Kelly: Directed by Tony Richardson. With Mick Jagger, Clarissa Kaye-Mason, Mark McManus, Ken Goodlet. The impoverished son of Irish immigrants is pushed by wrongful police persecution into becoming Australia's most notorious bushranger.
If my lips teach the public that men are made mad by bad treatment, and if the police are taught that they may exasperate to madness men they persecute and ill treat, my life will not be entirely thrown away. —Ned Kelly 121 You English are like mad bulls... you see red everywhere!
I don't favor violence. If we could bring about recognition and respect of our people by peaceful means, well and good. Everybody would like to reach his objectives peacefully. But I'm also a realist. The only people in this country who are asked to be nonviolent are black people. — ...
Kelly William P. King Yasunari Kawabata L A. J. Liebling A. Lawrence Lowell Abe Lemons Abraham Lincoln Ada Levenson Agnes C. Laut Alain-Rene Lesage Alan Jay Lerner Alexandre Ledru-Rollin Alice Roosevelt Longworth Alphonse de Lamartine Amy Lowell Ann Landers Anne De Lenclos Anne Lamott Anne ...
There was a hill loch (Loch Nan) about five miles away, which I favoured a good deal. The trout were large and fair of flesh, and in proper weather they rose pretty freely, and could be taken by an angler wading from the shore. There was no boat. The wading, however, was ...
47. “I think suicide is sort of like cancer was 50 years ago. People don’t want to talk about it, they don’t want to know about it. People are frightened of it, and they don’t understand, when actually these issues are medically treatable.”– Judy Collins ...
Marine quotes about what they fight for 29. “Freedom is not free, but the U.S. Marine Corps will pay most of your share.”– Ned Dolan 30. “The safest place in Korea was right behind a platoon of Marines. Lord, how they could fight!”– MGen. Frank E. Lowe ...
and the cowslips and buttercups in the fresh green grass, and the note of the cuckoo struck upon his ear again, he was half surprised, and almost offended that spring, which he had clean forgotten all about, should visit the land just as if there were no such thing as war and disaster...
Tom Cruise, while speaking to Kelly McGillis about his MIG sighting. Top Gun Negative ghost rider Top Gun "If you screw up just this much, you'll be flying a cargo plane full of rubber dog shit out of Hong Kong!" Top Gun Maverick-"He's going vertical, so am I" Goose-"We're ...
— Ned Kelly 139 Your attitude is like a box of crayons that color your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up. — Allen Klein 132 There ...