75. “Change is growth. For me it has been a very spiritual and musical rebirth.”– Lenny Kravitz 76. “All growth depends upon activity. There is no development physically or intellectually without effort, and effort means work.”–Calvin Coolidge 77. “Conformity is the jailer of freedom ...
Intellectual growth should commence at birthand cease only at death.- Albert Einstein You have to do your own growingno matter how tall your grandfather was.- Abraham LincolnBorn to be wild - live to outgrow it.- Lao Tzu Maturity is the ability to do a jobwhether or not you are supervis...
8. “The art of avoiding extremes is an art that is drawn on the canvas of maturity and painted with the abstract strokes of many experiences.”– TD Jakes Everyday Application: Extreme (catastrophic) thinking is a slippery slope. An example of this, is whensomething goes wrongor falls apa...
Friends share our pain and touch our woundswith a gentle and tender hand.- Henri NouwenThank you for visiting: Quotes about Maturity and Friendship - Maturity Quotes.Please sign up on the form below to receive my Free Daily Inspiration - Daily Quotes email.Friendship...
Lost in Thought: Quotes About Feeling Confused Quotes about being confused explore the complex emotions we face when clarity… View more Top Quotes About Maturity That Inspire Growth and Wisdom Quotes About Maturity capture the essence of growth, wisdom, and self-awareness. They… View more Tur...
Quotes about criticism provide valuable insights and perspectives on the act of criticizing others. They highlight the importance of criticism in the process of growth and improvement. These quotes emphasize that criticism should be seen as an opportunity for learning and self-reflection rather than ...
Maturity of mind is best shown in slow belief. Baltasar Gracián Your belief is your reality. Darius Foroux (See also:Believing in Yourself Is the First Step to Achieve Anything) A fanatic is one who can’t change his mind and won’t change the subject. Winston Churchill ...
I learned all about life with a ball at my feet —Ronaldinho 178 Maturity is learning to walk away from people and situation that threaten your peace of mind, self respect, values, morals and self worth. Never Stop Learning Quotes
Machinery | Madness | Magic | Majority | Malice | Management | Manners | Market | Marriage | Martyrdom | Marxism | Masses | Mastery | Materialism | Mathematics | Maturity | Maxim | Meaning | Meaning of Life | Media | Mediation | Medicine | Mediocrity | Meditation | Meetings | Melancholy ...
“Maturity is achieved when a person postpones immediate pleasures for long-term values.”– Joshua L. Liebman “Values are not just words, values are what we live by. They’re about the causes that we champion and the people we fight for.”– John F. Kerry ...