In life there are often times when we feel like we are losing ourselves. You might lose yourself to your work, relationship, kids, or something else. This is a phase where you completely ignore and forget about yourself and your feelings. Also See:Feeling Empty Quotes May these quotes inspi...
62. “Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”―George Bernard Shaw 63. “Life is 10% what you experience and 90% how you respond to it.”― Dorothy M. Neddermeyer 64. “If you are working on something you really care about, you don’t have to be pu...
Do not be in a hurry or try to push your practice. If you become peaceful, then accept it,; if you don’t become peaceful, then accept that also. This is the nature of the mind. We must find our own practice and persevere. —Ajahn Chah 0 Have lots of plants in your house. Natu...
Which of these quotes about feeling lost spoke to you the most? If you have anything to say, please do so in the comments section below. Also Read: How to Use Mind Power and Your Subconscious Tags: Fear Of LosingFeeling LostLostLost Quotes...
声音简介 “Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.” Life生活 Find 寻找 Yourself 你自己 Create 创造 这句话的中文意思是:生活不是发现自己,而是创造自己。 用户评论 表情0/300发表评论 暂时没有评论,下载喜马拉雅与主播互动音频列表 ...
Worrying about the next person in a negative way is the wrong way to be. — Meek Mill 246 Don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens - The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away. — John Steinbeck 208 If you pray about it don't worry about it. If ...
13. “When you go through a negative situation, don’t think about it. Make it positive.”– Yoko Ono 14. “When you think positive, good things happen.”– Matt Kemp 15. “The difference in winning and losing is most often…not quitting.”– Walt Disney ...
10.”Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”-George Bernard Shaw Growth Mindset Quotes 11 – 20 11.”Happiness depends on your mindset and attitude.”-Roy T. Bennett 12.”It takes a different mindset to be successful in anything; that’s why there’s not ...
“Loneliness is about the scariest thing out there.”– Joss Whedon Pain Of Loneliness Quotes “Loneliness is emptiness begging to be filled.”– Christy Ann Martine “Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.”–Ralph Waldo Emerson “If you are afraid of being lonely don’t try to be right...
"Life Isn’t about Finding Yourself. Life is about Creating Yourself." – George Bernard Shaw "a Life Spent Making Mistakes is Not Only More Honorable but More Useful than a Life Spent Doing Nothing." – George Bernard Shaw "in Order to Succeed, Your Desire for Success Should Be Greater ...