Man goeth to his long home, and the mourners go about the streets. - Bible | The Bible Quotes Add to Favorite List The letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life. - Bible | The Bible Quotes Add to Favorite List For if the trumpet give an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself to...
William Blake Quotes About Heaven Heaven is in a grain of sand. —William Blake 11 I give you the end of a golden string, Only wind it into a ball, It will lead you in at Heaven's gate Built in Jerusalem's wall. —William Blake 6 A dog starv'd at the master's gate Predicts ...
Bible Quotes Video - Bobby talks about how critical it is for the Christian to study God's word. What are his main points?
I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken-down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. Stephen Hawking If heaven above lets fall a plum, open your mouth. If heaven drops a date,...
20. “I would rather go to heaven alone than go to hell in company.”—R.A. Torrey Heaven quotes to lift your mood 21. The Bible says that God has a reason for keeping us here; if He didn’t, He would take us to Heaven far sooner.”—Billy Graham ...
[...]everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven time”, and she hopestheBible quoteswillbe seeds of wisdom that may sprout someday, somewhere, “The greatest miracle is to witness[...] ...
Bible Quote for February 26 Become a Eunuch for God For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to re...
MEPHASTOPHILIS: Nine: the seven planets, the firmament, and the empyreal heaven.FAUSTUS: But is there not coelum igneum, et crystallinum?MEPH.: No Faustus, they be but fables.FAUSTUS: Resolve me then in this one question: Why are not conjunctions, oppositions, aspects, eclipses all at...
173 Top Bible Quotes About Healing That Ring True By Josepha | Updated on May 2, 2024 Facebook Here are the 173 best handpicked bible quotes about healing: From “And he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.” to “Behold, blessed is the one whom ...
147. “Dear to us are those who love us… but dearer are those who reject us as unworthy, for they add another life; they build a heaven before us whereof we had not dreamed.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson 148. “All mankind love a lover.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson ...