Boys flying kites haul in their white winged birds; You can't do that way when you're flying words. Careful with fire, is good advice we know Careful with words, is ten times doubly so. Thoughts unexpressed may sometimes fall back dead; But God Himself can't kill them when they're s...
These words of wisdom will inspire you to fly away whether you like parrots,owls, ducks, geese, or any other fowl. Remember these inspiring quotes the next time you see a bird flying freely in the sky. If you want to reach your full potential in life, it’s important to think like a...
Capitalism, though it may not always give the scientific worker a living wage, will always protect him, as being one of the geese which produce golden eggs for its table. — J.B.S. Haldane Daedalus or Science and the Future (1924), 6. ...
The skin which unites these digits at their base acquires the habit of being stretched by these continually repeated separations of the digits; thus in course of time there are formed large webs which unite the digits of ducks, geese, etc., as we actually find them. In the same way ...
you want to die!" . Geese Howard : "Oh, ho! GeeseHoward! Wegotta have a bout!" : "Another small fry..." : "Here I come! Hyahho!" . Genjuro : "You demoralize me." : "What? Areyou challenging me? OK I'm up for it!" :...
When I was growing up, I fantasized about a house like this. New furniture. A backyard. Parents who gave parties and invited lots of friends.I wanted something like this, too. A brick house in Hampstead and a father who didn't travel around the world killing people. Gabriel and Maya ...
I get really nervous if pigeons are flying around before shows. I can't stand them after one once flew in through my bathroom window and went for me while I was having a wee. That was enough. I think pigeons target me. — Niall Horan 31 When I was very young, most of my childho...
Also read these airplane quotes and sayings about flying and travel. Sky quotes to inspire and motivate you 61. “No matter how tough my life was, I was always looking up at the sky and wishing for good things.”– Mahira Khan
34. “I can enjoy anywhere, and I can leave it. Life is about moving on.”– Waris Dirie 35. “The sound of geese flying overhead is the sound of life moving on.”– Marty Rubin 36. “The choice isn’t to move on—life moves whether I want it to or not. No, the choice is...
Lessons from the Geese 1. As each bird flaps its wings it creates an "uplift" for the bird following. In a "v" formation the whole flock adds 71% more flying range than if each bird flew alone. Lesson: People who share a common direction and sense of community can get where they ar...