And when he quoted the dear old stock nonsense out of Thoreau about being able to get intoxicated on a glass of water, I could have laughed and cried at the same time. View in context Referring the examination of the principle itself to another place, as has been already mentioned, it ...
meaning “fierce,” to extend the metaphor of the perpetrator (who he calls a “hell-kite”) as a bird of prey. Modern usage is generally more casual and even comical.
our whole world is facing a revolution. Our nation is facing a revolution, our nation. One of the things that concerns me most is that in the midst of the revolution of the world and the midst of the revolution of this nation, that we will discover the ...
Citation analysis of master dissertations at the Central University of Technology, South Africa Data must be given context to become information. Information must be given meaning to become knowledge. Knowledge, in turn, can only become wisdom if appl... A Swart - 《African Journal of Library Ar...
The regulations are made under the Companies Act 2006, meaning enforcement of these provisions will be carried out by the Conduct Committee of the Financial Reporting Council. The Council monitors annual reports and accounts of public and large private companies for compliance with the requirements ...
verse meaning,word interpretation and so on.And "out of context" is the flexible use of "Poem" based on the familiarity of the text.The text explanation of "Poem" is showing features of simplicity,functionality,interactivity and monotonicity,etc.."Zhou Yu Xia" records the comprehensive ...
Basic CTE query, get full path of something recursive BCP Error - Copy direction must be either 'in', 'out' or 'format'. BCP Export to csv using UTF-8 or UTF-16 BCP Issue when using a format file and excluding columns. BCP Numeric value out of range BCP or BULK INSERT? why? bc...
A fair point, Ted. However, this post was born out of examples of using backreferences. I think the regex(["'])(\\?+.)*?\1is quite pretty due to its brevity, but the rest of the regexes in this post are not great (this is one of my oldest posts here). If you really cared...
Basic CTE query, get full path of something recursive BCP Error - Copy direction must be either 'in', 'out' or 'format'. BCP Export to csv using UTF-8 or UTF-16 BCP Issue when using a format file and excluding columns. BCP Numeric value out of range BCP or BULK INSERT? why? bcp...