Curved text is a simple way to add dimension to your quote. Make your words bounce off the page with PicMonkey'scurved and circle text assets, both found on the lefthand menu. Simply select the text you wish to change, then customize the arc or curvature of it. When working to really ...
She told me, quote unquote “they’re just good friends” – but they look more than that to me! You told me, quote “this car will last you a lifetime” unquote, but after a few months, it’s already broken down! The compa...
In this respect, not only public opinion is identical, but also the law. On this occasion, the Khufenites and counterrevolutionaries like them indulged in specious rhetoric, and some simpletons, having heard enough of their counterrevolutionary chatter, feel as if they were not entirely right. ...
The exact amount that’s paid out in lost wages depends on whether the disability is total or partial, as well as permanent or temporary. If the workplace injury leads to death, workers’ comp insurance can pay death benefits, such as funeral and burial expenses, and financial support for ...
Streaming新增Kbar onopen onclose events goodman3654 commented Nov 9, 2020 目前要kbar必須一次獲取整日kbar資料。是否能在Streaming新增訂閱Kbar onopen onclose events,在開新bar或收bar時收到資料就好,這樣速度比較快,server loading也比較低,謝謝。 Read more enhancement good first issue shlomif / ...
I've done a bit of refactoring to not rely on JSON.parse when parsing strings, it is a bit hacky. And I've created a fix for the method node.toString() and function format (used by node.toString()) to correctly escape control characters and double quotes in a string, see PR: #308...
17. “The best project you’ll ever work on is YOU.” 18. “Train insane or remain the same.” 19. “Some people want average. I desire great.” 20. “The body achieves what the mind believes.” 21. “No great thing is created suddenly.” 22. “Forget how much it hurts and tr...
If you share a good idea long enough, it will eventually fall on good people. — Jim Rohn 34 If you ever get a second chance in life for something, you've got to go all the way. — Lance Armstrong 33 "Failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down. — Mary Pickford 32...
The bank offers a good deal on new mortgages Offer Ask (someone) to marry you; He popped the question on Sunday night She proposed marriage to the man she had known for only two months The old bachelor finally declared himself to the young woman Offer Threaten to do something; I offered...