在日常生活中,quote of the year可以被用来表达特定事件、时刻或者个人所代表的核心价值观。例如,在2020年COVID-19疫情爆发期间,quote of the year可以是“我们在同一条船上”(We are all in this together),强调了大家需要团结一心应对疫情的重要性。在美国2020年大选中,quote of the year可能是“保卫民主”(...
Quote of the YearABC News anchor Carole Simpson to Bill Clinton. "You've got the big plane, you've got the big house, you've got the cars, the protection. Aren't you going to suffer great post-partum depression after you leave office?"...
Quote of the year「以后会越来越贵的,你没多赚钱吗」【转发】@一包海苔:我是和这个世界脱轨了吗,物价越来越离谱。#6200一杯咖啡#我在上高中的时候,喝的奶茶都是大台北,避风阁,一杯也就几块钱,当时根本没...
to repeat the class/year/grade 重修这门课╱重读一年╱留级 对应参考双语例句:Finally, some studies cite opinion polls on the level of priority attached to various issues, but these generally refer to the environment alone rather than to the more complex concept of sustainable development.最后,一些...
摘要: AUSU met on the evening of September 16th for the last regular council meeting of the 2001/2002 fiscal year. Finances and our preliminary budget for the upcoming fiscal year were the main topics of discussion, and we laid the groundwork for some exciting new...
The meaning of QUOTE is to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment. How to use quote in a sentence.
Apparently it’s Monday again, but I’ve completely lost track of what day of the week it is after being on holiday break, followed by snow days (snow daze, amiright)…. I’m not even sure what year it is anymore. Is it still 2018? Still can’t believe all the snow we got, bu...
The meaning of QUOTE is to speak or write (a passage) from another usually with credit acknowledgment. How to use quote in a sentence.
Indeed, I have known individuals who have done six-year retreats, and Eastern lamas who have done a cumulative 20 years in caves and isolated huts, and who were variously arrogant, self-important, self-centred, vindictive, or manipulative. There are cases of people who have abandoned the Dha...