Anderson's novel Sisterhood of Dune, the HBO Max prequel series is set 10,000 years before the events of Frank Herbert's original novel and will focus on the origins of the Bene Gesserit, the titular sisterhood who possess mysterious supernatural abilities. Like Denis Villeneuve's two-part fil...
KILLED BY PERFUME – a tale of Japan, earthquakes, and my potentially toppling, lethal, perfume cabinets It is eight years since the catastrophic tsunami in the north. Sometimes I repost this piece as a memorial / capturing of those terrible times. viaKILLED BY PERFUME – a tale of Japan, ...
I packed my bags and left the quiet life of Kansas behind for the hustle and bustle of Seoul with an open mind. I had been abroad once to Ecuador as a volunteer and knew that I would have to approach the tech-savvy South Korea differently. I never was an avid drama or TV watcher, ...
” Styles said at thebig-rumor-ignoring presser forDon’t Worry Darling. “This world is supposedly so perfect; it was fun to play pretend in it. It’s like driving fun cars. A lot of fun stuff as well.”
Wizard of Oz : matte & green finish Winnie the Pooh : matte & yellow finish Peter Pan : matte & brown finish Le Petit Prince : matte & black finish notice *** The colors will be dark gradually. Especially " BLUE " and " GREEN " ...
Chart Combination chart with 2 data series. View as data table, Chart The chart has 2 X axes displaying Time, and Time. The chart has 2 Y axes displaying symbol price, and symbol volume. End of interactive chart. Chart is not available 52 Week Range 433.92...