51. “Oooooooooh, that’s gotta hurt!”– Duke Nukem (Army of Darkness) 52. “Nobody jacks with our independence!”– Duke Nukem 53. “Suck my dick you little alien f*cks!”– Duke Nukem 54. “The bigger they are, the more they bleed!”– Duke Nukem 55. “Gonna rip ’em a...
I can hear the people speaking in Catalan and in Spanish, I can hear the laughter of children playing with their families at all hours of the day, and the folks dancing during all of the festivals in the streets. I can taste the wine and the Estrella Damm, and, in these memories I ...
In order to save you some time, we’ve searched the entire Internet to bring you the best funny pictures of the day. This one’s on us. You enjoy. If you’re having a hard week (or, heck, are just plain bored), these funny pictures are exactly what you need to make it through ...
BOOOO to those who went to Subway! TPR Takeover at McDonalds! Hanno or Danny Elfman...you decide! Bingo! Our first rest stop included "Robb's Meat Sale." Yum! MUST EAT JAHAN!!! The rest of us watched The Muppet Show (Star Wars episode to be exact...OMG Mark Hammil CANNOT a...