一言|QuoteoftheDay如果含有条件从句的句子是用来描述会发生或可能发生的事这种条件句叫做预见性条件句从句通常使用一般现在时主句通常用一般将来时或带有情态动词 一言|QuoteoftheDay 【Quote of the Day】 If one is lucky, a solitary fantasy can totally transform one million realities. - Maya Angelou 如果一...
一言|QuoteoftheDay 【Quote of the Day】 If there is no struggle, there is no progress. - Frederick Douglass 没有奋斗就没有进步。 ——弗雷德里克·道格拉斯 (Frederick Douglass,弗雷德里克·道格拉斯,(1817─1895),十九世纪美国废奴运动领袖,1817年2月,道格拉斯诞生于美国马里兰州塔尔波特县吐卡霍地方的一个...
【每日一言QuoteoftheDay】 Be happy. Be yourself. If others don’t like it, then let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everybody. - John Spence 要快乐。要做你自己。 如果别人不喜欢,由他们去。 幸福就是选择。 人生可不是要取悦所有人。 ——约翰·斯宾思 【单词和...
【日·言】Quote of the Day If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. - Wayne Dyer 如果你改变看待事情的方式, 你看待的那些事情就改变了。 ——韦恩·戴尔 【单词和词组】 1.change改变 2.way方式 3.look at看待 【语法】 1.本句为复合句,if引导条件状语从句; ...
一言|QuoteoftheDay曾任花旗全球财富管理公司ceo美林集团ceo她被福布斯和财富杂志评为商界具影响力的女性之一也是美国银行业值得关注的女性之一她曾获cnbc未来商业奖时代杂志全球商业影响力人物之一财富杂志40岁以下具影响力人物之一 一言|QuoteoftheDay 【Quote of the Day】 If you haven't had a major fail in ...
一言|QuoteoftheDay 【Quote of the Day】 All our dreams can come true - if we have the courage to pursue them. - Walt Disney 如果我们有勇气去追求, 我们所有的梦想都能实现。 ——沃尔特·迪斯尼 (Walt Disney,沃尔特·迪斯尼(1901-1966), 美国著名动画大师、企业家、导演、制片人、编剧、配音演员、...
一言|QuoteoftheDay本名言两句话第一句是并列复合句两个分句由分号连接两个分句都是祈使句第一分句是复合句assume后接省略了that的宾语从句 一言|QuoteoftheDay 【Quote of the Day】 Don't assume a door is closed; push on it. Do not assume if it was closed yesterday that it is closed today. - ...
Great Quotes I adore, Quote of the day, Quotes, Quotes by Apoetsbrain What is December? December 5, 2024 Leave a comment “What is December? Is it not but a figment of man’s imagination? There is actually no December neither is there a January. There is no June and certainly no...
If power ensured security, then officials and politicians would walk unguarded, but thosewho live simply are the ones who have the soundest sleep. 如果权力是安全的保障,那么政客便可以没有防备地走在路上,但生活简单的人睡得最香。 If beauty and fame brought ideal relationships, then celebrities wou...
The article discusses the political threats posed to Republicans from the spending cuts that are expected to be carried out in the U.S. as a result of the sequestration in March 2013. According to a recent poll, Republicans would be blamed for the cuts by nearly half of Americans, whereas...