You are not here merely to make a living. You are here in order to enable the world to live more amply, with greater vision, with a finer spirit of hope and achievement. You are here to enrich the world, and you impoverish yourself if you forget the errand. Woodrow Wilson February 20...
On the surface, we’re just addressing the suffering of negative thoughts and feelings about ourselves that so many of us are burdened by. But when we apply Buddhist analysis to it, we see that the cause of our self-negativity goes deep, and so the remedy must too. In fact, the three...
Actually, when I received the teaching, the oral transmission, from Khunu Lama Rinpoche, I remarked that the Bodhisattyacharyavatara says that delusion is humble and weak, ‘But,’ I said, ‘this is not true because it’s very forceful and strong.’ And Khunu Lama Rinpoche immediately respo...
The App delivers quotes from famous scholars, scientists, politicians, philosophers. For those of you looking for a daily quote to ponder on, allowing your mind to rethink the problem from a perspective outside the sandbox, give a try on this App. 更多 Red_Badge , 2019/07/12 Solid mot...
"Many are the sayings of the wise,..." — Milton Popular Famous Quotes Below are famous quotes bywell-known people. Share these all-time most popularfamous quoteswith others.
* Daily quotes from famous writers, philosophers, business leaders, and many others. * Customizable notifications: Choose what time of day you want to receive your dose of inspiration. * Save and share: Keep your favorite quotes in favorites and share them with friends and family via social me...
(and fit on your Pinterest board). The inner mantras that helped them achieve the goals were revealed by authors, scientists, philosophers, and other famous celebrities, and those statements would help you too. Most concentrate on what they can handle and let go of what they can’t — a ...
The famous principle of indeterminacy is not as negative as it appears. It limits the applicability of classical concepts to atomic events in order to make room for new phenomena such as the wave-particle duality. The uncertainty principle has made our understanding richer, not poorer; it ...
9. Quote the Classics:Sometimes, referencing famous Zen philosophers or poets can add depth. Consider integrating their wisdom to encourage deeper thought and appreciation. 10. Revise and Refine:Don’t hesitate to revise your quotes. Sometimes, the most profound messages come from reworking a senten...
“Thus the social position of women is in this respect very similar to that of philosophers and of the working classes. And we now see why these three elements should be united. It is their combined action which constitutes the moral or modifying force of society.” — Auguste Comte French...