According to Mahayana, and also to Vajrayana, when we say Buddha, we refer to someone who is totally awakened, someone who has become free from all forms of obscurations – the obscuration of defilements and the obscuration of knowledge, including their propensities. Someone who has attained th...
Gaining true faith is indeed very difficult. When Dakpo Rinpoche, one of Milarepa’s disciples, first heard his teacher’s name, he was struck with such overpowering faith that he wanted nothing more in this life than to follow him. He received numerous teachings and pith instructions from Mi...
sterile injectable and anti-infective medicines under the Sulperazon, Medrol, Zavicefta, Zithromax, and Panzyga brands; and biologics, small molecules, immunotherapies, and biosimilars under the Ibrance, Xtandi, Inlyta, Bosulif, Mektovi, Padcev, Adcetris, Talzenna, Tukysa, Elrexfio, Tivdak, Lorbren...
include private passenger auto, non-standard automobile, homeowners, farm owners, crop hail and multi-peril crop, and liability insurance policies. The company was founded in 1946 and is headquartered in Fargo, North Dakota. NI Holdings, Inc. operates as a subsidiary of Nodak Mutual Group, Inc...
sterile injectable and anti-infective medicines under the Sulperazon, Medrol, Zavicefta, Zithromax, and Panzyga brands; and biologics, small molecules, immunotherapies, and biosimilars under the Ibrance, Xtandi, Inlyta, Bosulif, Mektovi, Padcev, Adcetris, Talzenna, Tukysa, Elrexfio, Tivdak, Lorbren...
At that time the two main deities were Vajrakilaya and Yandak Heruka. Through these two deities, they had very high realisations as did many generations of Khön after them. Some thirteen generations down the line, there were two brothers called Sherab Zodzem and Konchok Gyalpo. During Shera...
According to Buddhism, aggression is one of the “three poisons” that drive our suffering. Even a brief moment of reflection on our own lives, our society, and human history will confirm that aggression is the greatest cause of destruction and suffering. ...
Buddhist Quote for the day 居士五戒 堪布慈诚罗珠仁波切 有不少皈依佛门多年的居士,仍然对居士五戒的具体细节不太清楚,为了令大家能够正确地取舍,此处简单地介绍一下居士五戒。 一、总述 戒律包括居士戒、沙弥戒、比丘戒等等。其中的居士五戒,是佛陀对佛教徒的起码要求。