Some of the data collected by this provider is for the purposes of personalization and measuring advertising effectiveness. test_cookieUsed to check if the user's browser supports cookies. Maximum Storage Duration: 1 dayType: HTTP Cookie ar_debugChecks whether a technical debugger-cookie is present...
中图分类号:G33.41文献标识码:A文章编号:1005—2232(2011)0l一 0096—05 语言是人类思维的工具和文化的载体,语言教 学要注重其工具性,更要重视其文化性.高中英语 新教材在注重语言知识扩展的同时,更多地融人了 文化内涵.如,北师大新教材SeniorHighEnglish ...
63.77-0.89-1.37%25.18%Dec/18 Xerox8.37-0.21-2.39%-54.71%Dec/18 Financials Assets Cash and Equivalent Cost of Sales Current Assets Current Liabilities Debt EBIT EBITDA Employees EPS Earnings Per Share Equity Capital and Reserves Gross Profit on Sales ...
Q2 99.65 -1.00 -0.99% 148.01% Jan/02 Robert Half International 68.35 -2.05 -2.91% -18.57% Jan/02 WiseTech Global 122.97 0.55 0.45% 66.18% Jan/02 IndexesPriceDayYearDate USND 19281 -39.65 -0.21% 32.13% Jan/02 US2000 2232 1.55 0.07% 13.91% Jan/02 Computer...