a. The standard states that if both this element and the bodyDiv element are specified, then the bodyDiv element shall be ignored. Word ignores this element in favor of the bodyDiv element when the current div is a direct descendant of the divs element.中文...
August 25 –Celeste Saulo(b. 1964), the Argentinian secretary-general of the UN’s World Meteorological Organization, recently reflected in an interview in the Financial Times: “We have to do something. It’s not about sitting at home and looking at this [climate change] as if it were a...
This section is concerned with that part of the male population to whom a happy sexual relationship with a woman is not possible. To these, homosexuality is natural; persecution will make them inhibited, mad, or suicidal, but it will not make heterosexuality any more natural for them, or inc...
However, on researching the origin of the said quote, I realise that it was not Jung’s idea at all, but that of Edward Maitland, the Theosophical writer. Edward Maitland (1824-1897) Maitland must probably be the unluckiest man in Occultism, as history appears to remember him as playing...
through the following geographical segments: Indonesia, Asia, Western Europe, and Cayman Islands. The Asia segment include Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Timor Leste, and Shanghai. The Western Europe segment refers to England. The company was founded in 1824 and is headquartered in Jakarta, ...
(26 Jun 1824 - 17 Dec 1907) Irish physicist, mathematician and engineer , born as William Thomson in Ireland, he became an influential physicist, mathematician and engineer who has been described as the Newton of his era. Short biography of Baron William Thomson Kelvin >> ...
(1788-1824) English Poet Other Lord George Gordon Byron Quotes 'Tis very certain the desire of life prolongs it. O'er the glad water of the dark blue sea, Our thoughts as boundless, and our souls as free, Far as the breeze can bear, the billows foam, ...
The extent of a palace is measured from east to west, or from north to south; but that of a literary work, from the earth to heaven; so that there may be found as much range and power of mind in a few pages... as in a whole epic poem. ~Joseph Joubert (1754–1824), translated...
(George Gordon Byron; (1788-1824) Don Juan “strange but true” Macbeth credited as the origin “truth is stranger than fiction” THE TOP UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE 2016 PRIMARY CAMPAIGN: “This year’s election has a certain stranger than fiction quality to it.” ...
(26 Jun 1824 - 17 Dec 1907) Irish physicist, mathematician and engineer , born as William Thomson in Ireland, he became an influential physicist, mathematician and engineer who has been described as the Newton of his era. Short biography of Baron William Thomson Kelvin >> William Thomson Kel...