Tip/Quote of the Day # 1525 Tip/Quote of the Day # 1865 Tip/Quote of the Day # 1787 Tip/Quote of the Day # 1774 Tip/Quote of the Day # 1750 Tip/Quote of the Day # 1721 Tip/Quote of the Day # 1707 Tip/Quote of the Day # 1678 Tip/Quote of the Day # 1674 Tip/Quote of...
a. The standard states that if both this element and the bodyDiv element are specified, then the bodyDiv element shall be ignored. Word ignores this element in favor of the bodyDiv element when the current div is a direct descendant of the divs element.中文...
During a Leap Year, as Leap Day approached, I began to have this sense I was to get what I always seem to need: an extra24 hoursin the day... Then I started to think Leap Day should be designated a holiday so people can take advantage of the extra24 hourshowever they wished... ...
IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) reports that soil and vegetation store 1750 and 550 Pg carbon (1 Pg =1015 g) in terrestrial ecosystems, respectively, which up to about three times of the total carbon in the 碳动力学在全球性地球生态系在全球性气候变化扮演一个重要角色。 IPCC ...
Uninsured people live with such risk every day of their lives; health insurance can shield you from that risk. Even if you're healthy today and have never had any major problems in the past, you simply can't predict the future. In addition to medical emergencies, routine conditions ...
Sir, if you spend word for word with me, I shall make your wit bankrupt. ~William Shakespeare,Two Gentlemen of Verona, c.1594[II, 4,Thurio] Dare not insult too far, a heart that knows you.~Aaron Hill (1685–1750)
POTI:925/1750/1750 NOVOROSSIYSK:875/1650/1650 Updates ocean container shipping quote from Shenzhen to US LB/OAKLAND/SEATTLE/TACOMA USD750/1100/1100 NEW YORK USD1400/1700/700TRANSPORTATION FROM CHINA TO CHILE updated ocean freight for your reference: POL: HONGKONG/SHENZHEN/NINGBO/SHANGHAI POD: SA...
He only half dies who leaves an image of himself in his children. ~Carlo Goldoni,Pamela, 1750, translated from the Italian To man only does anything pass away. To the creating mind and to such as can approach sufficiently near it, is one eternal present. Outward forms addressed to our or...
Thrift comes too late when you find it at the bottom of your purse. ~Seneca ...without frugality none can be rich, and with it very few would be poor. ~Sophron (Samuel Johnson), 1750 Great heavens, cannot people realize how large an income is thrift! ~Cicero, translated by E. W. ...
I am always pleased when I see literature made useful... ~Sophron (Samuel Johnson),The Rambler, No. LVII., 1750 October 2nd The extent of a palace is measured from east to west, or from north to south; but that of a literary work, from the earth to heaven; so that there may be...