2.1.1744 Part 1 Section, ST_OnOff (On/Off Value) 2.1.1745 Part 1 Section, ST_TwipsMeasure (Measurement in Twentieths of a Point) 2.1.1746 Part 1 Section, ST_UnsignedDecimalNumber (Unsigned Decimal Number Value) 2.1.1747 Part 1 Section
In the drag of the day, in the heaviness of late noon, when strength slips away from the body, and thought stands still in the brain, the angel in us seems sometimes to lapse back into the tired animal, and for the moment, the creature comforts of the senses seem more to us than t...
Just as darkness is the absence of light, ignorance is the absence of knowledge, and should not be mistaken for a point of view. ~Robert Brault, 2017, rbrault.blogspot.com So Nature, Wit, and Sense must blasted fall, Whilst blooming Ignorance prevails o'er all. ~James Miller (1706–17...
Phone Number 416-481-1744 Website silvercrownroyalties.com SCRI:CA Revenue SCRI:CA Empty chart Chart represents SCRI:CA over Quarterly period The chart has 1 X axis displaying time periods. . End of interactive chart. More On Revenue » Earnings Revisions FY1 Up Revisions FY1 Down Revision...