【Quote of the Day】 The struggle alone pleases us, not the victory. - Blaise Pascal 令我们愉悦的就只是努力奋斗, 而非胜利。 ——布莱士·帕斯卡 (Blaise Pascal,布莱士·帕斯卡(1623-1662),法国数学家、物理学家、哲学家、散文家。16岁时发现著名的帕斯卡六边形定理,17岁时写成《圆锥曲线论》,帕斯卡定理...
a. The standard states that if both this element and the bodyDiv element are specified, then the bodyDiv element shall be ignored. Word ignores this element in favor of the bodyDiv element when the current div is a direct descendant of the divs element.中文...
~ Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) "Among the things you can give and still keep are your word, a smile, and a grateful heart." ~ Zig Ziglar (1926-) "The heart of a fool is in his mouth, but the mouth of a wise man is in his heart." ~ Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) "That which ...