a. The standard states that if both this element and the bodyDiv element are specified, then the bodyDiv element shall be ignored. Word ignores this element in favor of the bodyDiv element when the current div is a direct descendant of the divs element.中文...
1590 KYG014081064 Industrial Machinery & Equipment End-of-day quoteTaiwan S.E. 2024-12-165-day change1st Jan Change 831.00TWD-1.07%+3.36%-17.72% Dec. 06Airtac International Group Reports Consolidated Revenue Results for the Month, and Year to Date Ended November 2024CI ...
Origin of misquote1 First recorded in 1590–1600; mis- 1 + quote Discover More Example Sentences But to misquote an old financial adage, the property market can remain irrational longer than you are prepared to remain homeless. From The Daily Beast By terrifying coincidence, this was the one...
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024 mis•quote (mis kwōt′), v., -quot•ed, -quot•ing, n. v.t., v.i. to quote incorrectly. n. a quotation that is incorrect. mis-1 + quote 1590–1600 mis•quot′er, n. Collins Concise English Dict...
of the Ewell’s living behind the Maycomb county dump, Mayella is looked down on. “We’ll convict this Negro but get back to your dump (Doc A).” This quote shows that though Mayella had won the case against Tom Robinson, the Ewells were still thought of as nothing. “White ...
~William Shakespeare,Henry IV,Part II,c.1590[II, 4,Falstaff] You know he loves her as the devil loves holy water. ~Jonathan Swift,Polite Conversation, 1738 You have such a passion for doctoring my disposition, that you can't give sweetmeats without mixing a little physic with them... ~...
How doth the little busy Bee Improve each shining hour, And gather honey all the day From ev'ry op'ning flow'r! ~Isaac Watts (1674–1748), "Idleness and Mischief" (children's hymn) Books are the beehives of thought; laconics, the honey taken from them. ~James Ellis, quoted inEdge...
Whom angry heavens do make their minister Throw in the frozen bosoms of our part Hot coals of vengeance!... ~William Shakespeare,Henry VI, Part II, c.1590 [V, 2, Young Clifford] The sword is brother to the olive wreath. ~Hindustan proverb...
The most illustrious expounders of the law have often been its most notorious violaters. ~James Lendall Basford (1845–1915),Sparks from the Philosopher's Stone, 1882 Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all. ~William Shakespeare,Henry VI, Part II, c.1590 [III, 3,Henry VI] ...
Mine eyes are full of tears, my heart of grief. ~William Shakespeare,Henry VI, Part II, c.1590 [II, 3, Duke of Gloucester] The dear old soul wept... she was wild with grief, and refused to be comforted. She threw herself on the bed in her room... buried her head in the bedc...