a. The standard states that if both this element and the bodyDiv element are specified, then the bodyDiv element shall be ignored. Word ignores this element in favor of the bodyDiv element when the current div is a direct descendant of the divs element.中文...
He did reveal that several gay favorites made the cut, including The Wizard of Oz, All About Eve, Funny Girl, and--of course--Mommie Dearest. These are lines people carried from the theater into their everyday lives, said Gazzale. The complete list of the 400 nominated movie quotes can...
an inactivated whole-virus COVID-19 vaccine. The company also develops VLA15, a vaccine candidate, which is in Phase III clinical trial against Borrelia, the bacterium that causes Lyme disease; VLA1553, a vaccine candidate, which is in Phase III clinical trial against the chikungunya virus; VL...
I quake for very fear when I think on it; for I assure you, few will escape this disease, which Averroes calls lack of money...~François Rabelais (c.1494–1553), "The Most Certain, True, and Infallible Pantagruelian Prognostication for the Year that is to Come, For Ever and Aye, ...