Quote of the day: ‘What is the use of this book?’‘No, you imbeciles, no, idiotic and goitrous creatures that you are, a book does not make jellied soup; a novel is not a pair of seamless boots.’ ...
The Painted Veil, 2006 (dir. John Curran) The English Patient, 1996 (dir. Anthony Minghella) Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure, 1989 (dir. Stephen Herek) Baby Boom, 1987 (dir. Charles Shyer) Dogma, 1999 (dir. Kevin Smith) Independence Day, 1996 (dir. Rol
We cannot calculate the total number of sentient beings, saying, “This is how many there are in the three realms.” And sentient beings are thus said to be immeasurable. As the Bhagavān said in the Noble Sūtra Teaching the Great Compassion of the Tathāgatas: Son of a noble family, th...
Thucydides quotes the Delian "Hymn to Apollo", and it is possible that the Homeric corpus of his day also contained other of the more important hymns. View in context He gives you the official teaching on the whole subject, is precise as to rules, mentions illustrative events, quotes law ...
Quote of the Day: Facebook and NarcissismGlobal Macro Monitor
Quote of the Day 项目 2004/06/17 Loved this quote I got in my Quote of the Day RSS Feed by H. L. Mencken (no idea who he is though):"It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man."
Buddhist Quote for the day 居士五戒 堪布慈诚罗珠仁波切 有不少皈依佛门多年的居士,仍然对居士五戒的具体细节不太清楚,为了令大家能够正确地取舍,此处简单地介绍一下居士五戒。 一、总述 戒律包括居士戒、沙弥戒、比丘戒等等。其中的居士五戒,是佛陀对佛教徒的起码要求。
4. quote:(quote of the day protocol 气象报告协议〖因特网〗quote 双语例句 1. Sorry by the long quote, but the context is importat here, for abstract it implies that we don't have support 遗憾的长期引用,但背景是importat这里,对抽象它意味着我们没有支持 2. quote 2. To get listed in th...
Quote of the dayby Judith Curry There are a number of explanations (for the hiatus), any one of which might be correct. 聽That is very different from saying: 'We have no idea what's going on'. - Myles Allen Well, at present I can't go with quote of the week, since provocative ...