值得深思的一段话——.."This is for the record.History is written by the victor.History is filled with liars.If he lives an
Quotex is unregulated. Any previous regulatory licenses have expired. Quotex has a fairly short history. It was only founded in 2019. A longer track record would add to its credibility.Looking at the positives, Quotex.io has a good reputation. It also provides reassuring safety measures. SSL...
However, Hadamard did not originate the quote, as shown by his own introductory phrase of, “It has been written that the shortest and best way between two truths of the real domain often passes through the imaginary one,” in An Essay on the Psychology of Invention in the Mathematical Fiel...
History and encouraging angry comments aside, let’s suture up and see some examples of HTML5-style action: Use for a movie title: Aladdin is a great movie, even after 73 viewings. Aren’t kids great? Aladdin is a great movie, even after 73 viewings. Aren’t kids great? Even...
If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. - Henry W. Longfellow - MBSR Week 7 Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked ...
Victor Hugo (1802-1885) French novelist, poet, playwright and historian The French sentence above is fromthe final chapterof Hugo’s bookHistoire d’un Crime(“The History of a Crime”), his account ofthe French coup d’état of 1851that brought Napoleon III to power. It’s the origin ...
“The gift that keeps on giving.” An old advertising sloganof uncertain origin This familiar ad slogan has been used for various products by various companies since the early 1900s. One of the first high-profile uses appears to have been by theVictor Talking Machine Company(later absorbed int...
January 12 –Yuval Noah Harari(b. 1976), an Israeli medievalist, military historian, public intellectual, and popular science writer, provides us with another thought-provoking message from his recent book,NEXUS: “History isn’t the study of the past; it is the study of change. History teac...
Of the planet's history; Writing with the pen of centuries Words for ages yet to be; Writing slowly, ever surely, On the earth her destiny... ~Sara L. Vickers Oberholtzer, "Time's Unfinished Volume," 1880 Time gives good advice. ~Spanish proverb ...