Thesaurus Acronyms Encyclopedia The highestpricea potentialbuyeris willing to pay for astockand the lowest price a potentialselleris willing to receive. This is similar to thebid-ask spread, but the stock quote refers to the prices themselves, rather than the difference between them. ...
superior woman:intelligent,rational,firm,calm,capable,courageous, full of self-control&self-confident(聪慧、理智、坚定、沉静、干练、勇敢、充满自控能力及自信的出众超俗之女子 movie so do all who live to see such times.that isn’t for them to decide.all we have to decide is what to do with ...
The movie’s famous lines are from a tense scene in which three American gold prospectors, played by Humphrey Bogart, Walter Huston and Tim Holt, are confronted by a group of heavily-armed Mexicans in a remote area of Mexico’s Sierra Madre mountains. The character who is the leader of ...
Are there ways to convert Pathfinder Bestiary monsters to Path of War? Gauss's school grades I have 35,000 km on my Marathon Mondials since 2019, is it time to change to them? I'm looking for a French movie about a man who kills all the members of a jury, in a single day ...
As explained by the excellent Phrase Finder site, French law in Marie Antoinette’s time required bakers to sell fancier products like brioche at the same price as a common loaf of bread, to prevent them from using too much of the limited flour supplies to make products that would typically...
I went from being the Terminator to being the governator. I would never exchange my life with anybody else’s. If it bleeds, we can kill it. If it’s hard to remember, it’ll be difficult to forget. If my life was a movie, no one would believe it. ...
The novel was adapted into a movie in 1977. It starredKathleen Quinlanas Deborah andBibi Anderssonas Dr. Fried.Mel Gibsonmade his screen debut in the film, in a small uncredited role as a baseball player. Many years later, Mel uttered his own scary quote about a garden. (See below.) ...
In the comedy movieMoney Talks(1997) ART BUCHWALD’S LOGICAL EXTREME: “Hydrogen bombs don’t kill people — people kill people. The bomb is for self-protection and it also has a deterrent effect. If somebody knows you have a nuclear weapon in your house, they’re going to think twice ...
Jack Nicholsonas Col. Nathan R. Jessup in the movieA Few Good Men(1992) (See this postfor some funny variations on Nicholson’s most famous line from the film.) * * * * * * * * * * Comments? Corrections?Post them on the Famous Quotations Facebook page. ...
THE FILM CRITIC'S LAMENT: “Of all the sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these, Michael Bay is making another ‘Transformers’ movie.” Cody Clark Film critic In one of his reviews published in the Provo, Utah Daily Herald ...