Always make sure to contact your auto insurance provider as soon as possible after an accident. Insurance companies will often take a long time to process claims, either intentionally or unintentionally. Even if you submit your claim immediately after an accident, it can take over a week to get...
Different insurance companies can offer you different quotes. Compare insurance quotes from 30+ companies to get your cheapest insurance quote online today.
Local Agent VS National Auto For anyone who is driving a car or any other motor vehicle during their daily life, auto insurance is a critical thing to have... Read More Filing an Auto Insurance Claim Filing an auto insurance claim is among those things everyone hopes they will never do. ...
An auto insurance claim is any request for payment in accordance with your insurance policy. For example, if you get into a car accident and need to ask your insurance company for money to pay for repairs, this is called “making a claim.” If you are lucky enough to have a good, eas...
Different insurance companies can offer you different quotes. Compare insurance quotes from 30+ companies to get your cheapest insurance quote online today.
If you have a loss, they’ll work with us to handle your claim quickly and fairly. Because just like Patriot Insurance Company, our independent agents stand true to their word. Getting an insurance quote: From conversation to coverage.
Consider your needs.Think about your personal needs when choosing your car insurance coverage limits. Select your deductible.Choose the amount you can comfortably pay toward a claim. Find an auto insurance agent Allstate® agents are ready to help you find custom coverage, policy discounts and ...
Consider your needs.Think about your personal needs when choosing your car insurance coverage limits. Select your deductible.Choose the amount you can comfortably pay toward a claim. Find an auto insurance agent Allstate® agents are ready to help you find custom coverage, policy discounts and ...
On average, drivers who switched to Allstate saved $468, so get your free auto insurance quote today!
Start a claim Login to track a claim Claims FAQs *90% of customers stayed with Elephant at renewal between Oct. and Dec. 2024.What Elephant offers auto insurance shoppers Car insurance at a fair price Find the coverage you need to protect you and your car, discounts to save money, and...