49. “I still do love monsters. And when I was a kid, they were really important to me. I couldn’t wait for Saturday night.”—Emil Ferris 50. “Saturday mornings, I’ve learned, are a great opportunity for kids to sneak into your bed, fall back asleep, and kick you in the fac...
“16. You just have to say to yourself, “I’m not willing toaccept anythingless than what i deserve! I am smart! I am beautiful! I am a good woman, and i deserve to be happy!” “17. I was in a fight that was not a fair fight. I did not ask for the fight. I lost. T...
Loveis a deep and powerful emotion. It is one of the things that most people search for in this lifetime. However, it isn’t all serious, as every good romcom has shown us, there is… Humor brings the best out of most relationships. If your partner shares the same sense of humor w...
we have demonstrated our innate greed by exploiting each other, conquering one other’s lands, stealing from each other. It seems that we do not have a natural instinct for being happy with what we have. Although we might have a comfortable life and our basic needs are being met...
激励自己的一条名言(Afamousquotethatinspiredyou) 1.Thecatispracticinglong-distancerunning,andthe tortoisesarcasticallysays,"again,youcan'truna long-distanceracechampion."!Thecatreplied,"Ican'tbea leopard,butIcan." Makethebestcat!Yes,trytobeyourselfandbethebestyou canbe! 2,tenthousandyuanwithintheluxury...
Is responsible for the happy Phone media public relations dissemination and each kind of net friend interacts the activity.In 2 month-long promoted times, the heavy article exposes 200 times, the harvest focal point chart and news strip near 100.[translate] ...
Buddhist Quote for the day 居士五戒 堪布慈诚罗珠仁波切 有不少皈依佛门多年的居士,仍然对居士五戒的具体细节不太清楚,为了令大家能够正确地取舍,此处简单地介绍一下居士五戒。 一、总述 戒律包括居士戒、沙弥戒、比丘戒等等。其中的居士五戒,是佛陀对佛教徒的起码要求。
’t expect for more than he can give. Don’t analyze. Smile when he makes you happy, yell when he makes you mad, and miss him when he’s not there. Love hard when there is love to be had. Because perfect guys don’t exist, but there’s ...
“You have to work very hard. Either work for the others or work for yourself. And I choose the way: work for myself. But if you really want to work for yourself, think about the others.” — Jack Ma, Jack Ma: Develop Your Winning Mindset(Best Motivational Video) Tagged: Mindset...
Few are the hearts whose happy lot it is at once to recognize in each other's voices the partner intended for them by...Daemon91,236Wednesday, November 6, 2024 9:33 AM bymonamagda When I read a book I seem to read it with my eyes only, but now and then I come across a passage...