Her friend: Yeah, sorry mister. Me: You did the right thing here, so…thanks. Martin Luther King Jr’s in the news again lately, for the most ridiculous reason. But he had a quote on the topic that I’ve always liked that seems appropriate to this situation: The time is always righ...
For example, a builder sends a quote to a homeowner for a project to remodel their bathroom. The homeowner can then decline the quote and the builder can withdraw his offer. Neither are legally bound to provide or accept the services included in the quote. It’s not always easy to estimat...
The partaking of food transcends its importance as an intake mechanism, becoming instead an occasion for making memories, exchanging laughs and perhaps conducting a salsa-tasting contest.So whether you’re planning a small get-together or big event, find someone who can create culinary magic for y...
Stern used this line for a controversial fundraising effort on behalf of John Bobbit (whose penis had been cut off by his wife Lorena) as part of Stern’s New Year’s Rotten Eve Pageant in 1994. Stern was indeed supportive of John at the time, though many ...
This seems fairly logical as people tried to explain things through a karmic paradigm. Why is it, for instance, that some are born into a wealthy family and others a poor family? Why are some attractive, even as a baby, very cuddly and so on, and others less so? So the tendency is...
How much life insurance do I need for my family? How much life insurance does a single person need? How much life insurance should I buy? How much should I pay for life insurance? How much term insurance do I need? Is there a limit on claiming life insurance? Is it legal to have ...
Famous People Quotes for Family I looked up my ancestral tree and found out I was the sap. When your mother asks, ‘Do you desire a piece of suggestions?’ It’s a mere rule. It doesn’t matter if you respond to yes or no. You’re going to get it anyhow. ...
Time wounds all heels. Turn again, Whittington, Lord Mayor of London. It's the same the whole world over, Ain't it all a blooming shame, It's the rich who gets the pleasure, It's the poor who gets the blame. Let us be happy while we are young, for after carefree youth and car...
6. A girl phoned me the other day and said Come on over, there’s nobody home. I went over. Nobody was home. Funny One Liners by Rodney Dangerfield 7. During sex, my girlfriend always wants to talk to me. Just the other night she called me from a hotel. ...
Johnny is seriously injured by a piece of burning wood. Throughout the next chapters, the boys are preparing for the big fight against an enemy gang, the Socs. After the fight, which they win, Pony and his buddy Dallas WInston go and see JOhnny in the hospital one last time before he...