marks (``'' or `') used to show that a person's words are being repeated exactly.He said `I'm going out.'comillas Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd. quotation →cita Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009 ...
Use single quotation marks for quotes within quotes. Note that the period goes inside all quote marks. Rate this question: 13 0 A stone that makes gold and stops you ever dying said Harry no wonder Snape's after it A. A stone that makes gold and stops you ever dying. Said Harry, "...
There were Edison and Lindbergh,—they both got ready before they started. I had to find that out too. I had to stop for ten years after I had started; I had to stop for ten years and get ready. I made my first car in 1893, but it was 1903 before I had it ready to sell. ...
the period for the second sentence would appear after the parentheses. Also, note that we recommend a space between the single and double quotation marks to avoid confusion.
Weyl is perhaps the source of the quotation marks that have resulted in the quote being attributed to Galileo. It is, in fact, a translation of the original French, “Galilée … déclare que dans tous ces phénomènes il faut mesurer tout ce qui est mesurable, et tâcher de rendre ...
. "Ididn'tseeanactualalienbeing,"Mr.Johnsonsaid,"butIsurewishIhad." 5.Inalltheexamplesabove,notehowtheperiodorcommapunctuationalwayscomesbeforethe finalquotationmark.ItisimportanttorealizealsothatwhenyouareusingMLAorsomeother formofdocumentation,thispunctuationrulemaychange. Whenquotingtextwithaspellingor...
Always, make sure that when a citation ends a sentence, students know to put the periodafterthe parenthetical citation,not before. Citation Generators Yes, citation generators abound! I don’t mind if students use them, but I prefer to teach them how to cite formally from scratch first. How...
Question: When punctuating direct quotations, use a ___ after the verb that introduces the quotation. A. dash B. colon C. semicolon D. comma PUNCTUATION Punctuation refers to using punctuation marks systematically in a sentence or sentences to...
If the quotation is long (generally more than 40 words in APA or more than four lines in MLA), format it as a block quotation, which is a freestanding block of text without quotation marks. It should be indented from the left margin, and the period goes before the citation. For example...
The point of all this is that quotation marks stick like cockleburrs in the public mind, especially when they are attached to catchy words. So it is well to count 10 before using. ~Marvin Creager, "You Can't Count on Famous Words," 1949 In using phrases not our own— Words spoken ...