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QUOTATIONS FROM CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG 举报 作者: 毛泽东 出版社: 外文出版社 出版时间: 1966-10 版次: 1 印刷时间: 1966-10 印次: 2 装帧: 软精装 开本: 64开 售价 ¥ 29.00 品相 九品 发货 承诺48小时内发货 上书时间2018-11-20
作者:毛主席 出版社:外文出版社 出版时间:1966-00-00 开本:64开 印刷时间:1966-10-00 页数:312 版次:1966年10月重印 ,购买红宝书 毛主席语录英文版 1966年袖珍本 Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung 有林彪题词等综合其他相关商品,欢迎您到孔夫子旧书网
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昨日书香 2012-10-29 作者: Mao Tse-Tung 原作名: 毛主席语录 isbn: 9780979311901 书名: Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung 页数: 116 定价: USD 8.99 出版社: www.bnpublishing.com 出版年: 2008-2-12 装帧: Mass Market Paperback > 去“Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung”的页面 ©...
QUOTATIONS FROM CHAIRMAN MAO TSE-TUNG 电子书 读后感 评分☆☆☆ Garden Books有卖 地址:北京市朝阳区光华路44号,巴西大使馆对面。 电话:010-65851435. Email:gardenbooksbeijing@yahoo.cn. 网址: www.gardenbooks.cn www.bookzines.com. 评分☆☆☆ 群众是真正的英雄,而我们自己则往往是幼稚可笑的,不...
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse Tung 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 著者简介 我认为,对我们来说,一个人,一个党,一个军队,或者一个学校,如若不被敌人反对,那就不好了,那一定是同敌人同流合污了。如若被敌人反对,那就好了,那就证明我们同敌人划清界线了。如若敌人起劲地反对我们,把我们说得一塌糊涂,一无...
The history of mankind is one of continuous development from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom. This process is never-ending. In any society in which classes exist class struggle will never end. In classless society the struggle between the new and the old and between truth and...
but the road after the revolution will be longer, the work greater and more arduous. This must be made clear now in the Party. The comrades must be helped to remain modest, prudent and free from arrogance and rashness in their style of work. The comrades must be helped to preserve the ...