Charles Caleb Colton Lacon--Reflection Richard Cumberland, Bishop of Peterborough (1) Displaying page 1 of 3 for this topic:Next >>[1]23 The GIGA name and the GIGA logo are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office. ...
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"The rigid volunteer rules of right and wrong in sports are second only to religious faith in moral training." "Through baseball we channel boys desire for exercise and let off their explosive violence without letting them get into the police court." Quotations About Herbert Hoover "I know, ...
I had to collect the two dollars for winning or go hungry. I had to get up. I was one of those hungry fighters. You could have hit me on the chin with a sledgehammer for five dollars. When you haven't eaten for two days you'll understand. — Jack Dempsey 169The only way to pr...
Traces its topics across a variety of media forms and texts, including sports; detective fiction and police series; and children's television and games. Clearly and accessibly written for the student, scholar, and general reader.Hermes, Joke...
By about this time next year I expect to have shot past you, and to find you pitching into me for being more Darwinian than yourself. However, you have set me going, and must just take the consequences, for I warn you I will stop at no point so long as clear reasoning will take ...
Whoever has not sought for fossils, has little idea of the poetical associations that surround the places where imbedded treasures were found. Whoever at the seaside has not had a microscope and aquarium, has yet to learn what the highest pleasures of the seaside are. Sad, indeed, is it to...
Pizza and beer are complementary goods for consumers in a local market. The beer industry, which has constant marginal cost, is perfectly competitive and is now in long run equilibrium. If the market ... A. The market price of beer falls and each firm produces less beer. B. The market...
I couldn’t wait for the sun to come up the next morning so that I could get out on the course again. —Ben Hogan Topics:Golf I play with friends, but we don’t play friendly games. —Ben Hogan Topics:Golf Golf is not a game of good shots. It’s a game of bad shots ...
"Bartlett's Familiar Quotations has been a standard reference for writers, speakers, and word lovers for over a century (John Bartlett self-published the first edition of this compilation of pithy, amusing, and historically significant quotations in 1855). With the release of the Expanded Multimedi...