When punctuating dialogue, use quotation marks to enclose the spoken words. Place commas and periods inside the closing quotation marks. If the dialogue tag (e.g., she said) interrupts the sentence, use commas to set it off. In option (a), the punctuation is correctly placed, with commas...
Notice that what Delia said was enclosed in single quotation marks. Notice also that the period was placed inside both the single and the double quotation marks. The American rule is that periods always go inside all quotation marks. As a courtesy, make sure there is visible space at the st...
BeAccuratewithQuotations,andIndicateChanges Neverchangethewordsinaquotationwithoutindicatingthechanges[withbrackets].Alwaysdoublecheckquotationstomakesurethetextisaccurate.Youmighthavetoremovethefinalpunctuationfromaquotationtomakeitfitthestructureofthesentence.Periodsandcommascanusuallyberemovediftheyappearattheendo...
Usually the peaks of civilization have been periods when a large proportion of the population had time to live. I don’t think we’re doing this today. I think the people who could live are still spending their time and supplementary resources on making a living. ...
"Practically all creative people, and certainly most geniuses, have preferred to be alone for long periods, especially when producing their best work." - Raj Persaud "There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it." ...
If I choose to impose individual blame for all past social ills, there will be no one left to like in some of the most fascinating periods of our history. For example ... if I place every Victorian anti-Semite beyond the pale of my attention, my compass of available music and ...
Demands which were made of the individual in earlier periods are now considered oppressive. Self-discipline is obsolescent, self-denial unhygienic, metaphysical problems irrelevant. The terms of reference are emotional release and suppression, with little regard for remorse and responsibility... Basic ...
Answer to: When punctuating direct quotations, use a ___ after the verb that introduces the quotation. A. dash B. colon C. semicolon D...
Other times, students want to omit words from a quote to help flow and clarity. In this case, students should use three consecutive periods to indicate a word or phrase has been removed. Science Focus Magazine warns,“These tricks [on social media] are borrowed straight from casinos and slot...