The meaning of QUOTATION MARK is one of a pair of punctuation marks ' ' or ' ' used chiefly to indicate the beginning and the end of a quotation in which the exact phraseology of another or of a text is directly cited.
the middle of the first to have a spacein quotation marks,quotation marksandthe second is no space. 注意:公式中的第一个引号中间要有一个空格,而第二个引号中是无空格的。 suggested that the word “honour” ...
Yet even this slightly less dissatisfied Shauna (played superbly as always by Melanie Lynskey) goes through life inquotation marks.— Angie Han,The Hollywood Reporter, 14 Feb. 2025To find them now, open Gmail and search for the phrase in:chats (using noquotation marks).— ...
In the job definition, use two single quotation marks around strings. 在任务定义中, 用2个单引号包围字符串. 期刊摘选 If you borrow another person's phrasing, that material must be enclosed in quotation marks. 如果你借用他人的言论, 这段材料必须加上引号. 期刊摘选 Quotations within short quotatio...
Some have pompously referred to so-called responsible sovereignty, which we would put in quotation marks. 有些人大谈所谓的负责任主权。 我们对此表示质疑。 UN-2 If the string is enclosed in double quotation marks(“)In the, PHP parsing for some special characters: 如果字符串是包围在双引...
quotation marksn pl引号(號)yǐnhào in quotation marks 带(帶)引号(號)dài yǐnhào 在这些条目还发现'quotation marks': 在英文解释里: double quotes-quote-quote marks 标题中含有单词 'quotation marks' 的论坛讨论: 未在Chinese论坛中找到有关“quotation marks”的讨论 ...
Define quotation marks. quotation marks synonyms, quotation marks pronunciation, quotation marks translation, English dictionary definition of quotation marks. Quotation marks are most commonly used to indicate the exact words that someone else said. Thi
See Quotation Marks's production, company, and contact information. Explore Quotation Marks's box office performance, follow development, and track popularity with MOVIEmeter. IMDbPro — The essential resource for entertainment professionals.
“ at the beginning and ” at the end, or, for a quotation within a quotation, of single marks of this kind, as “He said, ‘I will go.’ ” Frequently, especially in Great Britain, single marks are used instead of double, the latter being then used for a quotation within a ...
Variable must be enclosed in quotation marks 变量的任何文本必须括在引号( " )中。Displays the string inside the double quotation marks 显示双引号( " )内的字符串。To place quotation marks in a string in your code 在代码中将引号放置于字符串中 Must be depmited by ...