quota′tion mark` n. one of the marks used to indicate the beginning and end of a quotation, in English usu. shown as (“) at the beginning and (”) at the end, or, for a quotation within a quotation, as single marks of this kind, as“He said, 'I will go.'” ...
quoˈta•tion ˌmark,n.[countable] one of the marks used at the beginning and end of a written statement; in English usually shown as ( “ ) at the beginning and ( ” ) at the end, or, for a quotation within a quotation, as in single marks of this kind, as"He ...
quotation mark noun :one of a pair of punctuation marks " " or ' ' used chiefly to indicate the beginning and the end of a quotation in which the exact phraseology of another or of a text is directly cited Examples ofquotation markin a Sentence...
quotation mark quotation marks Quotationist quotatious quotative quote quoted company quote-driven quoter quote-unquote quoteworthy quoth quotha quotidian quotient quotient verdict quotiety quotition Quotity Quotum Quqon Quran Qur'an Quranic Qurnet es Sauda ▼ Full browser ? ▲ Quota sampling Quota...
(The question mark goes with the sentence in single quotations, so it goesinsidethe single quotation marks. It does not go inside the double quotation marks with the title of the poem.) C) InAmerican EnglishandBritish English, semicolons and colons always go outside the quotation marks. ...
See below and quotation mark for the symbols used in the English language, which vary between the United Kingdom and North America. [..] + 添加翻译 英文-国际语字典 virgulettas Glosbe Research 显示算法生成的翻译 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“quotation marks"翻译成 国际语 变形 干 ...
When acommaor aperiodappears at the end of a quotation, put itinsidethe quotation mark: "Gluttony is an emotional disease," Peter DeVries once wrote, "a sign that something is eating us." Note:In the U.K., periods and commas go inside the quotation marks only for a complete quoted ...
The first rule of using quotations is that once they’re opened, they have to be closed. The person reading your work needs to know where the quote starts and where it ends. But that’s an easy one. What about some trickier quotation mark rules?
For passages of more than a paragraph, use an opening quotation mark at the beginning of each new paragraph and a single closing quotation mark at the end. Alternatively, you can set off the passage a different way, such as indenting it further than the other text or setting it in italics...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary EnglishRelated topics:Letters & punctuationquoˈtation ˌmark●●○noun[countable usually plural]one of apairof marks (‘’) or (“”) that are used inwritingto show that you arerecordingwhat someone has saidSYNinverted commaBritish English ...