quotation 是直接或间接引用别人说的话, citation是用自己的话描述别人的话 。但是两者都要标注出处 ,quotation是要标名这句话具体在那一页上, 而citation是要标注这话来自哪里。citation 音标:英 [saɪˈteɪʃn] 美 [saɪˈteʃən]翻译:引文...
quotation与citation的区别:1、意思不同。2、用法不同。3、侧重点不同。1、意思不同。quotation:引语,引文,语录,报价,估价。citation:表彰,表扬,(尤指对战争中英勇表现的)嘉奖令,(被)引用,(被)引证。2、用法不同。quotation:作名词,引用。例句:He illustrated his argument with quotations...
In American English, a sentence should usually be ended with a period, which should be placed inside the quotation marks. However, if there is a parenthetical citation after the quotation, the period is used outside of the quotation and is placed after the parentheses.What...
He told Griffith: "should our own government unfortunately fall into the hands of the Communist Anti-Christ, I for one will follow my great-grandfather's example [who fought with Wellington against the French in Spain – KC] and will take to the hills, gun in hand, until I am killed ...
《铁路机车车辆驾驶人员资格许可实施细则》规定,申请J7类驾驶资格时,申请人应当具有国家承认的大专及以上学历、机车车辆或者机电类专业,连续动车组机务乘务学习行程20万公里或者连续动车组机务乘务学习2年以上且乘务学习行程( )万公里以上。
7. Before using any quotation in your essay, make sure to check its accuracy and provide the proper citation. 在论文中使用任何引言之前,请确保检查其准确性并提供正确的引文出处。 请注意,这些例句中的“quotation”可以是名词或动词形式,具体取决于上下文和语法结构。©...
No matter whether you are giving a quotation or rewriting the words of the writer in your own way, you need to give citation and referencing.
The new state of post-conflict is encouraging,regardingaccess and security in the operational environment, but the security phases in the country have remained unchanged. unesdoc.unesco.org unesdoc.unesco.org 在行动环境的便利和安全状况方面,新的冲突 后局势令人鼓舞,但是该国的安全计划的各个阶段仍未作改...
By juxtaposing Walter Benjamin's theory of citations alongside his more recent, critical engagements with the Western theological tradition, Agamben sets himself the goal of redefining ethics along Levinasian lines in order to arrive at a respect for the face of "whatever" being before us, ...
Remember, whether you use the writer's exact words in quotation or through paraphrase, it is necessary to make a citation at the end of each quote or paraphrase and to include a Works Cited list at the end of your paper. (See MLA, APA, or Chicago Manual of Style guidelines.)Use ...