The study of artificial intelligence (AI) has been a continuous endeavor of scientists and engineers for over 65 years. The simple contention is t
(Please note that this PDF is 7+ MB in size). Each of the links below is to one page of the print catalog, in PDF format: Introductory Pages Front Cover Front of 2024-2025 Quo Vadis catalog Introductory Pages Page 2 The Brand
Quo vadis veritas?Wie multinationale Lobby-Verbändedie unabhängigen Medien unterwandernInaKnobloch»Im Maschinenraum der Götter« heißt eine Ausstellung im Frankfurter Skulptu-ren-MuseumLiebighaus(08.03.23 –21.01.2024).SiezeigtdiesymbiotischeVerbin-dung zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft. In...
The Equality Movement’s Kikonishvili has a clear opinion about the government agenda. [They] “paved a way to state-sanctioned violence as we have never seen since the 1990s. Their message is clear — be quiet, or otherwise, you’ll be beaten or even killed. It’s a dangerous symbiosis...