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Onlinelistening comprehension quizzesbased on seven short films about learning English in different countries - with answers. The films can be viewed online or downloaded free. Audio News Reports Each week, EnglishClub publishes ashort audio news report with cloze quizzes and comprehension questions...
UK Mathematics Trust (UKMT) Maths Challenge Quiz Maths isn't just multiplication and addition, it's also about thinking logically. UKMT Maths designs to make you think deeply and not just make you guess answers. So, if you want to compete in this challenge, test... ...
Try these vocabulary quizzes for ESL learners to test your understanding of vocabulary. All quizzes have answers available.
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Grand national winners updated New Quiz Nights added Crufts winners updated Remember to use the navigation menu on the left to browse other pub quiz categories. Can you help Pub Quiz Help? Sure you can - The information contained on this site has been collated from a variety of sources, I ...