Where would you expect to find volcanoes in an oceanic-continental convergence zone? always on the continental plate Why are rocks that formed in an oceanic environment found in the highest parts of the Himalayan Mountains today? Ocean sediments were trapped and deformed during the continent-continen...
With map projections, there are four key attributes we need to make possible to measure: fill in the gaps left by the orange-peel style map (but these maps still distort reality) If you take the globe, split it up, and lay it flat, it makes a sort of orange-peel shape. Flat, rect...
lines that run North & South around globe; tells positions east or west of the reference point ; aka Meridians ** 0-180 degrees East & West Map Projection tool that allows us to fill in gaps and give a continuous view of what things look like shape, area, proximity what are the attrib...
1777 there are a series of battle extension of what happened in the hudson and in the end, british have taken NY and PHilli, plus washington's army is in bad shape that everyone quits bc when you enroll in the continental army they give you a term of service , so you quit after a ...
Continental: larger, rarer. glaciers can span entire continents and reach thicknesses of greater than one kilometer. In the present day, the two main continental glaciers are the Greenland and the Antarctic ice sheets What is the difference between the rigid zone and the plastic zone of a glac...
What type of clouds should you find in the middle-eastern part of the United States according to this map? 本學習集中的詞語(57) ___ forms when water droplets are larger than 0.5 mm in diameter from merging with other droplets and falling when they get too heavy. Rain ___ ...
Imagine that you land on a previously unknown planet, measure its topography, and find that it is the map, above. Compared to the earth (below), what can you certainly conclude about the newly discovered planet? Two of the following six answers are correct. Select only two. -Plate tectonic...
Continental rocks = granite Oceanic rocks = basaltic Continental crust rises higher while ocean's crust is in basins Question 4What is the structure of a water molecule? Molecule = 2 or more atoms held together by an electron Water molecule =Central oxygen+2 covalenthydrogens ...
internal costs of energy are usually economic costs, and costs that are included in the price of energy, usually contribute to a + wellbeing external costs of energy an unintended and often negative consequence from the production or use of energy-Ex: environmental degradation (air pollution), ...