我們 [Pr] we (wǒmen) 點鐘 [N] o'clock (diǎn); [N] clock (zhōng); combined: [N] o'clock (diǎnzhōng) 半 [Nu] half (bàn) 晚上 [T] evening, night (wǎnshang) 再見 [Adv] again (zài); [V] to see (jiàn); combined: [CE] good-bye, see you again (zàijiàn) 現...
3 city 4 male doctor 本學習集中的詞語(43) city la ciudad airport el aeropuerto bank el banco library la biblioteca movie theater el cine male dentist el dentist female dentist la dentista school la escuela hotel el hotel male doctor
Chin 101 Lesson 5 39個詞語 Man 5/6 L7 Pt3 31個詞語 chinese 8個詞語 Chinese - Lesson 11 Weather 15個詞語 Elaine's Combined Sets 82個詞語 Lesson 4 中文 (Studies) 29個詞語 Chinese Vocab #3 26個詞語 GFWC1 Chapter12 Section3 Getting Sick, GFWC1 Chapter 12 Section 2 Expressing Slight Dis...
10個詞語 EVR 1001 CH 2 65個詞語 Chapter 8 Listening Assignment 5個詞語 vocab lesson 5 老師10個詞語 top 10 cities in USA 11個詞語 A4 knowledge 37個詞語 Open House Fast Facts- Colin Heaston 24個詞語 ns101 exam 27個詞語 Vocab 5+6 ...
ADPR 101 chapter 8 15個詞語 quizlette6092465預覽 Roots /raices 5個詞語 JosselinneSinay預覽 set 2 (communication skills) ma 29個詞語 Karshay_Alexander預覽 Media 10 part 10 7個詞語 lauren_mckevitt6預覽 Language Processing & Audio Perception 20個詞語 hk122305預覽 lit term 6 10個詞語 sarah_har...
Microscopy MIMG 101 學習工具 科目 建立 登入 Bright field 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Type of light microscopy for examining stained and unstained specimen, good for viewing general morphology of live/dead cells. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 caitlingeee Top creator on Quizlet...
DLI Chinese Lesson 27 Traditional 13個詞語 chinese vocab ch. 6 47個詞語 lesson 2 老師15個詞語 AL101-3-2 老師15個詞語 HSK 1 词汇/拼音/英文 第一部分 1-65号 老師65個詞語 9th Chinese Unit 9 35個詞語 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 ...
Comprmise of 1850 Legislation passed by Congress by which California entered the Union as a free state. Kanas-Nebraska Act an act that allowed people in Kansas and Nebraska to vote whether slavery would be allowed when they became a state ...
Research 10 - Chapter 3: Research Design #1 20個詞語 ENT101 (Understanding Entrepreneurship) 老師32個詞語 quiz e commerce 30個詞語 PR 4TH EXAM 老師50個詞語 Understanding Thesis and Capstone Projects 29個詞語 PRACTICAL RESEARCH: Q2 M6 11個詞語 ...
ExCELLENTNURSE101預覽 Chapter 58: Emergency Drugs Pharmacology 11個詞語 rosa_linda42預覽 CIPC-1 Final Study Guide 206個詞語 cyang1237預覽 preleq quiz 20個詞語 fmsrmrf預覽 Pharm III Exam 1 33個詞語 tiffanyhurrr預覽 fluency basics 26個詞語 mdonnell01預覽 patho chapter 40 endocrine 44個詞語 veroni...