2. Rotate the Broad Field lens into position 3. Remove the slide and return it to the slide tray 4. Turn the light off with the On/Off switch 5. Unplug the microscope and wrap the cord properly around the scope 6. Put the microscope away in the cabinet...
Compound light microscopes 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Microscopes containing two lenses that interact together, the ocular lens and the objective lens. 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 21 建立者 leonji4 3個月前建立 分享 來自相同檔案 學生們也學習了 學習指南 Microscope Basics & Parts 學習指南 leonji4 這個...
用Quizlet學習並牢記包含Know the parts of the microscope and their functions.、Know how to use the microscope (adjusting for proper viewing, getting an image in focus, using oil immersion) and how to take care of a microscope.、Describe aseptic technique
Microscope Parts & Functions 17個詞語 aroseburgos預覽 Microscope Lab Quiz 11個詞語 mcummins1912預覽 Keywords Theater 26 26個詞語 charlielison31預覽 Parts of a microscope 12個詞語 mspeciale26sjp預覽 Shakespeare and British Drama Background 32個詞語 SarahHenry05預覽 Odissi 12個詞語 Ramamohan_Reddy預覽...
Microscope Parts and Functions - practice test 8個詞語 Muscle shoals 21個詞語 asamyuta hastas 28個詞語 Wordly Wise lesson 4 15個詞語 Phi Test Study Guide 42個詞語 Vocab lesson #8 老師10個詞語 本學習集中的詞語(74) While executing a Triangle Push-Up, do you inhale or exhale while pushing ...
Microscope Parts and Cell Biology Concepts 36個詞語 Hana-Shibley1預覽 2.3 bio C 22個詞語 jrivera4974預覽 Cell parts+functions 8個詞語 liinbean預覽 Cell Structure, Metabolism, and Photosynthesis Overview 32個詞語 pastorelli18預覽 BIO 111- Respiration Review (Electron Transport) 7個詞語 Austin_Whitne...
Science Unit 1 Test 38個詞語 Marlowe_Rollwagen7預覽 Microscope Parts and Their Functions 13個詞語 sfpk7vgdg7預覽 AP stuff (quantum mechanical model of the atom) 8個詞語 theMarcies預覽 Test One p2 30個詞語 quizlette5418321預覽 Mix and Flow of Matter 20個詞語 arleynott預覽 UNIT 1- Developing...
Overview of the Cell Cycle and Mitosis 17個詞語 GrayFrog64580預覽 Practice for the practice chapter 5 but it might actually be chapter 6 20個詞語 Sidneysalgado1預覽 Bio Microscope Test 老師55個詞語 xj4d4vfsfd預覽 Redox Reactions in Cellular Respiration 老師22個詞語 Stephanie_Deckman預覽 Cell Stru...
What is the function of the microscope in this laboratory To see and study microorganisms that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Define the function of the following parts of the microscope a. coarse adjustment knob b. fine adjustment knob The inner larger knob is the coarse adjustment - wh...
Overview of Body Tissues and Their Functions 98個詞語 mariahvictorien預覽 benchmark 3 #51-75 25個詞語 katiewigg17預覽 MI 3.1 13個詞語 Toriblakeney預覽 Introduction to the Microscope 6個詞語 emilpadi預覽 E2 Lung, renal, blood 25個詞語 lyfrances預覽 Bio 108 Lab Pig Practical 58個詞語 lizzlewan...