Fun learning Common core Live quizzes Quizzes for classes: remote, hybrid, and offline Create quiz games Paper Mode Online Homework Reports on Quizizz Icebreakers on Quizizz Flashcards Poll question type Reorder Graphing AI Quiz Generator Hotspot Paper Mode V2 ...
同伴模式:能够从桌面打开应用程序,点击图片生成与Quizizz AI测验 引入4个新的打击和4个新的护盾 错误修复 v7.92: Bug修复 -支持belajjar .id v7.87: -改善启动时间 Bug修复 v7.72: -支持Quizizz AI -修正错误 v7.68: 支持Quizizz AI Bug修复 00
Using Quizizz for Distance Learning Students ALWAYS see questions on their own screen. No stressing about whether everyone joined your video conference. Bring people together (apart) with live quizzes and polls. Build community and keep everyone engaged—even if you’re not in the same place!
“I had no idea Quizizz could do that.” - Almost everybody Create and deliver bell-to-bell curriculum resources that meet the needs of every student. 深受教师信赖90% 的美国学校和150+ countries. Now we support every part of your lesson. ...
1,225 teacher reviews Quizizz, used in 90% of U.S. schools, allows teachers to adapt their curriculum and deliver differentiated instruction tailored to each student. Teachers create and customize content using 18+ question types aligned with state tests and deliver differentiated activities using mu...
Quizizz is a free learning tool that allows teachers to conduct student-paced formative assessments in a fun and engaging way for students of all ages. Choose from millions of teacher-created quizzes covering every subject or create your own. Different game modes let students engage in class to...
0 Quizizz AI AI is my side kick Standard Logo Hanging Sloth We are all works in progress Works in Progress Unicorn Coffee Sloth I Drive My Own Learning Unicorn Mastery is my Jam Avatar - Tea Rex Avatar - Rainbow Panda Avatar - Vegan Shark ...
“II keep finding unique ways to use Quizizz to teach world language. I Not just vocabulary identification or fill-in-the-blank, but ways that are helpful and useful multiple times like question prompts such as, ‘is the verb ARE, ERE or IRE? Indicative or subjunctive? Which is the correc...
今天要介绍的这款教学网络辅助工具,名为“Quizizz”,来自一家印度科技公司。 之所以推荐它,是因为以下几个优势: 1.连接速度快:相对于名声在外的Kahoot,这个网站在国内的打开速度已经相当快了。 2.使用方便:学生们无需注册,也不用下载APP,只要在PC或手机端打开网站,输入游戏(会议码),即可参与互动。
QuizizzApp是一款专业高效的在线智能教学服务软件。Quizizz App功能丰富,操作简便,有助于师生高效学习和工作。 基本简介 数以百万计的老师使用Quizizz与学生进行有趣的形成性评估,但是任何人都可以在公司和休闲场合中使用它进行有趣的测验/评论游戏,Quizizz App旨在帮助你参加小组活动和自己学习。要为其他人创建和托管测验...