To review, read the lesson named Declarative Sentences: Lesson for Kids. It will discuss: The elements of a sentence Examples of different sentence types Sentence types that are the most common You are viewing quiz43 in chapter 2 of the course: ...
exclamatory, declarative, imperative, interrogative 4 types of sentences Subject part of the sentence names whom or what the sentence is about Predicate of the sentence The action that the subject of the sentence does Simile A comparison using like or as Metaphor a comparison that does not use ...
Types of strong sentence openers How to use sentence openers correctly Examples of openers in sentences You are viewing quiz25 in chapter 2 of the course: Grammar & Sentence Structure Lesson Plans Course Practice 6chapters |33quizzes Explore our library of over 88,000 lessons ...
Declarative sentences are typically statements, but questions and commands are not Statement form What you get when you take a statement and replace all the simple statements it contains with statement variables. For example 'pvq' is a statement form, where p and q are variables, not constants...
Grade 1 Language - Declarative, Interrogative, Imperative and Exclamatory Sentences Grade 1 Language - Determiners (Articles and Demonstratives) Grade 1 Language - Future Tense Grade 1 Language - Nouns (Common, Proper and Possessive) Grade 1 Language - Nouns (Singular and Plural) Grade 1 ...
run-on made up of two or more sentences that are incorrectly joined together direct object recieves the action of the verb indirect object follows action verb and answers for whom or to whom the direct object is acting predicate nominative follows only a linking verb and renames or identifies...
1. face- drooping, numbness on 1 side- uneven smile 2. arms- uneven when lifted3. stability- dizziness, difficulty w/ balance or coordination 4. talking- unable to speak or slurring- hard to understand or can't repeat simple sentences 5. eyes- double vision, difficulty seeing 6. react ...
short: urgency, emphasis , or a sense of command long: build flow, complexity or introduce new ideas, facts, opinions what are declarative, imperative, interrogative and exclamatory sentences - declarative: statements - imperative: commands or requests ...
Declarative, Complex What is the purpose and structure of this sentence? Although he at dinner, he was still hungry, so he had a snack. Declarative, Compund-Complex What is the purpose and structure of this sentence? Bring me my glasses!
declarative sentence (syn) a sentence that makes a statement interrogative sentence (syn) A sentence that asks a question exclamatory sentence (syn) a sentence that conveys excitement or force telegraphic, short, medium , long and involved What are the 4 types of sentence lengths? telegraphic sent...