subject, linking verb, predicate nominative what is a subject? who or what the sentence is about what is a linking verb? joins the subject and predicate nominative to make a complete sentence what is a predicate nominative? words that follow the linking verb and that explains the subject examp...
subject and predicate 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 22 McDermottsHomeschool Top creator on Quizlet · 1年前建立 學生們也學習了 單詞卡學習集 學習指南 ATI 10: Clinical Judgement Process 10個詞語 Chapter 4 Intro Kahoot 20個詞語 COM Exam
Depending on the meaning expressed by the subject and predicate, one of the following may required to complete its meaning: a noun phrase—with transitive verbs (direct object) He hit the ball. and ditransitive verbs (direct and indirect object) He gave me the ball. a prepositional phrase—(...
By reviewing the lesson called Parts of a Sentence: Subject, Predicate, Object & Clauses, you will learn more about the following: Sentence diagramming What makes a complete sentence How to vary sentences when writing Practice Exams 6th Grade Language Arts Course Practice 15 chapters | ...
subject and predicate c. predicate and object d. object and predicate 8. Classical Creek and Arabic have a third number: ___, something like the English “both”. a. single b. plural c. dual d. trial 9. Another method to analyze a sentence from the functional perspective is ___, whi...
Word Functions:Subj– subject;Pred– predicate/predicator;Comp–complement: an element or elements required by a word or structure to complete its meaning in the clause (e.g.,DO– direct object;IO– indirect object;PP- prep. phrase);Adjunct–adjunct:elements not required by an expression to...
She enjoys baking cookies on weekends. subject direct object predicate nominative object of a preposition 多项选择 How is the infinitive phrase functioning in the sentence? To win the competition requires dedication and effort. adverb noun adjective 多项选择 How is the gerund phrase functioning in...
Directions: If a group of words is a sentence, writesentence. If it is a fragment, writefragment. Remember that sentences express a complete thought. If a group of words is missing a subject, predicate, or both, it is a sentence fragment. ...
Grade 评估 优质的 Subject & Predicate 15 问题 3rd Grade 评估 优质的 Context Clues 10 问题 2nd - 5th Grade Environments 分享 经过Melissa Ward | United States 玩 Dropdown (no selected value) 17 问题 显示答案 显示答案 多项选择 Which change to a wild bull's environment would cause it to ...
In fact, we, were, looking, forward, and to are attributive clauses. Modifying the antecedent is the subject of letter, the object of the preposition to is actually the subject, but it can not play any role in the subsequent predicate. In conjunction with the tense usage, the answer is...