What is a possible consequence of a country raising tariffs? Increased international competitiveness Strengthened foreign relations Less competitive internationally Boosted domestic innovation 3. Multiple Choice 30 sec 1 pt What is the impact of political shifts on international trade? No effect on...
Which is the best example of a country that is dependent on other countries? Answer: ✔ a country that has little fertile soil A company in Maine sends lobsters to France. What is Maine doing? Select three options. Answer: ✔ practicing international trade ...
1、1-1,Quiz 2 International Economics,1-2,The United States is less dependent on trade than most other countries because A) the United States is a relatively large country with diverse resources. B) the United States is a Superpower. C) the military power of the United States makes it ...
Balance of trade The value of exports compared to imports Tariff Tax on an imported, foreign good Revenue Tariff (Purpose) To raise money Protective Tariff (Purpose) To protect domestic industries Countervailing (Retaliatory tariff) Another country put a tariff on our goods, so in response we put...
Quiz2InternationalEconomics 1-1 TheUnitedStatesislessdependentontradethanmostothercountriesbecause A)theUnitedStatesisarelativelylargecountrywithdiverseresources.B)theUnitedStatesisa"Superpower."C)themilitarypoweroftheUnitedStatesmakesitless dependentonanything.D)theUnitedStatesinvestsinmanyothercountries.E)many...
Internationaltradebasedonexternalscaleeconomiesinbothcountriesislikelytobecarriedoutby •A)arelativelysmallnumberofpricecompetingfirms.•B)arelativelylargenumberofpricecompetingfirms.•C)arelativelysmallnumberofimperfect competitors.•D)monopolistsineachcountry.•E)alargenumberofoligopolistsineachcountry.1-...
An international company sells on the international stock market, and international business is involved with global technology. Next Worksheet 1. What are some of the requirements of an international business? Strong programming code and national trade agreements Strong programming code and internat...
Understanding the Open Economy and International Trade 26個詞語 ClintRoweee 預覽 Import Restrictions in the US 11個詞語 Evemimi 預覽 Exam on Comparative Advantage and Trade Theories 54個詞語 majesticjosephbianco 預覽 GBUS 300 Quiz Chapter 1 + 2 7個詞語 Ellie_Foht 預覽 L13: The end of deep ...
International trade 国际贸易 foreign trade 对外贸易 customs duties 关税 protective tariff 进口关税 export duties 出口税 transit duties 过境税 revenue tariff 财政关税 protective tariff 保护关税 customs tariff 海关税则,规则 tariff item 税则号列,税号 description of goods 货物分类目录 rate of duty 税率 sin...
withincountries.D)focusesattentiononconflictsofinterestbetween countries.E)neverleadstogovernmentinterventionin internationaltrade.1-4 •Answer:C•PageRef:6•Difficulty:Easy 1-5 Approximatelywhatpercentofallworldproductionofgoodsandservicesisexportedtoothercountries?A)10%B)30%C)50%D)100%E)90% 1-6 ...