(but fraudulent) emails or other communication from a trusted (or sometimes seemingly desperate) sender who coaxes victims into providing confidential information—often on what looks to be a convincingly legitimate website. Sometimes malware or ransomware is also downloaded onto the victim's computer...
Take an Interesting Quiz On The Computer Language "Market Analytics" 10 Questions 6 Attempts ‹› Biology See more Raiding the brains: A raccoon quiz challenge! 10 Questions 9 Attempts Take an Interesting Quiz On The Mammal "Pangolin" 10 Questions 12 Attempts Do you know the intere...
A network device that connects multiple networks and forwards data packets between them based on IP addresses is called a: Access Point Bridge Router Switch Explore all questions with a free account Continue with Google Continue with Email Continue with Microsoft or continue with Facebook Apple Other...
UDP uses ___ to handle outgoing user datagrams from multiple processes on one host. multiplexing 复用multiplexing 题干 UDP and TCP are both ___ layer protocols. transport 题干 In the sending computer, UDP receives a data unit from the ___ layer. application 题干 In TCP, one end can st...
a) Check that no one is watching, pick it up and put it in your pocket, then carry on walking, thinking of the things you’re going to buy. b) Ignore it and carry on walking – it’s none of your business. c) Pick it up and look for contact details. If there’s an address...
ProProfs quizzes fit perfectly on all screen sizes, including that of mobile devices, tablets, and laptops. Share your quizzes via email, embed it on your website or blog, or even share with private groups with each user having their own login credentials. Quiz anytime, anywhere!#...
"Computer Architecture Quiz" app covers trivia questions and answers, BCS, BSCS computer science MCQs to solve self-assessment tests. "Computer Architecture Notes" learning app worksheets with answers key helps to practice test questions for online homeschooling exam on iOS smartphones. Complete ...
How communication on a network device is achieved for MAC addresses What TCP/IP stands for How networks are organized Practice Exams You are viewing quiz 6 in chapter 5 of the course: Computer Science 108: Introduction to Networking Course Practice 13 chapters | 96 quizzes Ch 1. Co...
It was founded on November 1, 2015, as part of Hewlett Packard company's scattering. HPE is a market-oriented organization that operates in two divisions: The Enterprise Group, which works in a range of servers, storage, networking, consultations, and services, and the Financial Service (FSS...
Clone the repository Install the dependencies and set up the environment variables (bot token!) Customize your questions and answers in the questions.json file Run the project with python main.py Enjoy your quiz bot on telegram!About Quiz Bot for Telegram (PoliTO quiz exams) t.me/polito_tsr...